Wesley Pontius and Hannah Jane Travis
Husband Wesley Pontius 1 2
AKA: Wesley Pontious 3 Born: 31 Jul or 15 Sep 1813 - Huntingdon Co, PA 1 2 Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Jacob Pontius (1783-1845) 1 2 Mother: Elizabeth Lias (1789-1842) 1 2
Marriage: 26 May 1846 3
Other Spouse: Louisa A. Funk ( - ) 3 - 24 Oct 1872 3
Wife Hannah Jane Travis 3
AKA: Jane Traves 4 Born: Christened: Died: 18 Mar 1870 3 Buried:
Father: Thomas Travis ( - ) 3 Mother:
1 F Mary Ann Pontius 3 4
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Rev. James B. Gray ( - ) 3
2 F Rebecca C. Pontius 3
AKA: Canaretia Pontius 4 Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Charles H. Gray ( - ) 3
General Notes: Husband - Wesley Pontius
When he was about sixteen years of age he went to work under the tanner hired by his father, and worked with him for five years. He then carried on the business for five years more for his father. Then, at his father's request, he went on the farm, which he managed to his father's satisfaction. When his father died he left no will, but Wesley Pontius administered the estate, and settled it up satisfactorily. He bought the old homestead, and by diligent labor paid for it and laid the foundation for his own independent condition in life. He was judicious in his farming, and slowly but surely (though he met with some losses, chiefly through the fault of others) accumulated considerable property. When older, he still retained about fifty acres of his original farm, and lived in comparative retirement in Dayton, the village adjoining his land. He was one of the original stockholders of the Dayton Soldiers' Orphans' school, and was one of the board of managers of that institution. During the Civil War he took the enrollment in Wayne township, on which the draft was based, and he held various offices in the gift of his townspeople. He also had, besides other investments, an interest in the general store conducted by the firm of C. S. Marshall & Co. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church.
1 Samuel T. Wiley, Biographical and Historical Cyclopedia of Indiana and Armstrong Counties, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia: John M. Gresham & Co., 1891), Pg 557.
2 Editor, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, Her People Past and Present (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1914), Pg 594.
3 Robert Walter Smith, Esq., History of Armstrong County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Waterman, Watkins, & Co., 1883), Pg 230x.
Samuel T. Wiley, Biographical and Historical Cyclopedia of Indiana and Armstrong Counties, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia: John M. Gresham & Co., 1891), Pg 558.
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