Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

E. M. Putnam and Lucina W. Pierce

Husband E. M. Putnam 1

           Born: 17 Sep 1850 - Warren, Warren Co, PA 1

         Father: Valentine Putnam (1828-      ) 2
         Mother: Martha Mackres (      -      ) 2

       Marriage: 1874 3

Wife Lucina W. Pierce 3

           Born:  - Pennsylvania

1 F Cora May Putnam 3

           Born: 30 Nov 1878 3

General Notes: Husband - E. M. Putnam

He received his primary education in Farmington township, Warren County, Pennsylvania, afterwards attending school at Columbus and Corry. In 1865, when fifteen years old, he met with a terrible accident, being thrown beneath the cars on a railroad track and losing a leg. Realizing at once that it would be impossible to follow agricultural pursuits, he began improving his chances of obtaining a more thorough education, and attended the Chamberlain Institute at Randolph, New York, from which he graduated. About that time he commenced the study of medicine, continuing until 1871, when a Mr. Francis asked him to accept the position of bookkeeper in his mill. After much serious consideration, Mr. Putnam threw aside his medical aspirations and accepted the situation offered, which he filled for a period of twelve years.
In 1883 he went into partnership with D. H. Beebe in operating a grist mill in Corry, until 1886. He then sold his interest to his partner and bought an interest in the Atlantic Mills-entering into partnership with Mr. Starbert, under the firm name of Starbert & Putnam. His connection with the Atlantic Mills continued until 1892, when he purchased a grist mill at Clymer, New York, which was destroyed by fire in 1893. Notwithstanding this discouraging event, he at once commenced rebuilding on the old site. Soon after its completion, A. W. Francis offered Mr. Putnam an interest in the Columbus mill, which offer was accepted by him, and and he then operated this mill very successfully.
He was a Republican in his political views, and, although he never sought office, he did serve as township auditor. He was a faithful member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which he was a trustee. He was also a member of Jonathan Lodge, I. O. O. F.

General Notes: Wife - Lucina W. Pierce

She was born and reared in northeastern Pennsylvania.



1 Editor, Book of Biographies, 37th Judicial District, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Biographical Publishing Company, 1899), Pg 57.

2 Editor, Book of Biographies, 37th Judicial District, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Biographical Publishing Company, 1899), Pg 58.

3 Editor, Book of Biographies, 37th Judicial District, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Biographical Publishing Company, 1899), Pg 59.

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