Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

Joseph M. Patterson

Husband Joseph M. Patterson 1

           Born: 12 Aug 1837 - Mount Joy, Lancaster Co, PA

         Father: Samuel Smith Patterson (      -Aft 1872) 1
         Mother: Mary McJimsey (      -      ) 1




General Notes: Husband - Joseph M. Patterson

Joseph M. Patterson was born in Mt. Joy, Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, August 12, 1837, and received a thorough academic course of education. He came to Sterling, Illinois, in the spring of 1857, and entered as a partner in the firm of Patterson, Witmer & Co., and continued as such until January, 1866. When the Civil war broke out, he entered heartily in the work of assisting to raise troops, and in 1861 joined Company B, 15th Illinois Volunteers, as an enlisted man, and was soon afterwards made Orderly Sergeant. In February, 1862, he was promoted to Second Lieutenant of the same Company, and in 1863 to First Lieutenant. In 1864, he was honorably mustered out, having served in the army three years. He retained his interest in the firm of Patterson, Witmer & Co., while in the service, and upon being mustered out, entered actively again into the business. In 1867, he became a member of the banking firm of Rogers, Patterson & Co., and remained with it until its dissolution, and then became a member of the present banking firm of Patterson & Co.
Mr. Patterson was elected Alderman for the Second Ward, Sterling, in 1868, and served two years. During the time he was Alderman he was elected Supervisor of the township, and served four years, when he resigned, having been elected in the fall of 1872 as a Senator for the Eleventh Senatorial District, to the General Assembly. While a member of the Board of Supervisors he served two years as chairman. In 1876, he was again elected Supervisor, and served one year, and at the charter election in the spring of 1877 was elected Mayor of the city of Sterling, which position he now holds. To the duties of each of the positions he brought a clear, active, comprehensive mind, and sound judgment, and that he discharged the duties of the trusts ably and well is universally acknowledged. Mr. Patterson is one of the leading business men of Sterling.



1 Alex. Harris, A Biographical History of Lancaster County (Lancaster, PA: Elias Barr & Co., 1872), Pg 435.

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