Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

Harry Clay Patterson

Husband Harry Clay Patterson 1 2

           Born: 16 Oct 1838 - Beaver Falls, Beaver Co, PA 2

         Father: James Patterson (1799-1876) 3
         Mother: Eliza Large (1804-1878) 2 3




General Notes: Husband - Harry Clay Patterson

His early education was acquired partly in the public schools of Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, partly under the home tuition of his father and mother, and he then became a student at the Beaver Academy, and later at Sewickley. Until he entered the army he was for the most part engaged in farming. In July, 1862, he became a member of Company E, Captain Vera, One Hundred and Thirty-fourth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Colonel Quay commanding, and served nine months. Later his brother Samuel became captain of Company E. Mr. Patterson re-enlisted and was sent to Cumberland, Maryland, with the Fifty-sixth Pennsylvania Militia. Upon the reorganization of the regiment of his first enlistment, he was elected quartermaster sergeant, but he soon did full duty as quartermaster. When he enlisted a second time, he was commissioned second lieutenant. Following is a partial list of the battles in which he was an active participant: Second Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville. He was mustered out in the autumn of 1863. In association with his brother Samuel he had started a general store in Beaver Falls in 1860, under the firm name of H. C. & S. R. Patterson, and this was located in a brick building opposite the First National Bank. At the close of the war they resumed these business operations, this time where the "Tribune" office was later located, and for many years carried on the largest and most profitable mercantile business in the town. Subsequently they erected a block at the corner of Seventh avenue and Ninth street, having one store devoted exclusively to the sale of footwear, and the adjoining store for the sale of groceries. The death of Samuel Patterson was a great shock to his brother, whose health commenced to fail, and he sold out his business in 1897. After that time he was retired from active business life. He made his home at No. 910 Eighth avenue, Beaver Falls, where his sister Sallie, who was also unmarried, presided over his household. Their winters were usually spent in Florida. They attended the Episcopal church, and Mr. Patterson was a Republican, giving his ardent support to the Quay party. He was a member of the blue lodge, chapter and commandery of the Masonic fraternity. He and his father were largely interested in real estate, the latter owning at one time practically the entire ground on which Beaver Falls was later located. During the great fire in Pittsburgh, he lost about thirty-seven thousand dollars worth of cotton goods, and for that reason was obliged to part with a quantity of his real property. They were also the owners of the four hundred acres which formed the nucleus of Patterson Heights, which fashionable suburb of Beaver Falls was named after the Patterson family. The residence was erected by Mr. Patterson in 1888.



1 Editor, History of Beaver County, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia and Chicago: A. Warner & Co., Publishers, 1888), Pg 705.

2 John W. Jordan, LL.D., Genealogical and Personal History of Beaver County, Pennsylvania (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Co., 1914), Pg 240.

3 Editor, History of Beaver County, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia and Chicago: A. Warner & Co., Publishers, 1888), Pg 678, 705.

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