Henry B. Moyer and Lizzie Mertz
Husband Henry B. Moyer 1
Born: 24 Jul 1846 - Freeburg, Snyder Co, PA 1 Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Frederick C. Moyer (1810-1891) 2 Mother: Mary A. Boyer (1810-1896) 2
Marriage: 5 Apr 1875 3
Wife Lizzie Mertz 3
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Peter P. Mertz ( - ) 3 Mother: [Unk] Hilbish ( - )
1 M Nevin Clark Moyer 3
Born: 17 Aug 1878 3 Christened: Died: 22 Nov 1881 3 Buried:Spouse: Did Not Marry
2 F Ada Vera Moyer 3
Born: 17 Jan 1883 3 Christened: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Henry B. Moyer
His boyhood was spent principally on a farm, but after attending the public schools and the academy of his native town he went to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, to take a course in Bryant & Stratton's Business College, where he was graduated. He taught in the public schools for several terms with marked success, and in 1870 engaged in mercantile business as a member of the firm of G. & F. C. Moyer at Freeburg. In 1887 he became the sole proprietor of the establishment, and he continued the business until the spring of 1895. In 1877, on the death of his brother, Daniel B. Moyer, he purchased the latter's half-interest in the Freeburg Courier, and until April 1, 1896, was one of the editors and publishers of that sheet, and on December 1, 1897, assumed full control.
For many years he assisted his father in the directorship of the Musical College, his sagacity and foresight being potent factors in the building up of the institution. After the death of his father, in July, 1891, the college became his sole property, and he assumed the post of director. After giving up his mercantile business in 1895, his entire time was devoted to the interests of the college.
In politics Prof. Moyer was always an ardent Republican, and during Harrison's administration he held the appointment of post-master at Freeburg. He was a member of the Reformed Church at Freeburg, and taught in the Sunday-school and served as deacon for many years. His knowledge of men and affairs has been broadened by extensive travel.
"The College, located at Freeburg, Snyder County, Pennsylvania, on the Sunbury and Lewistown railroad, is beautifully situated in one of the most charming valleys in the State, pure air, romantic scenery and the stimulating influences of a refined society combining to render it an ideal spot. The building is a commodious structure, three stories high with a frontage of one hundred and twenty-six feet, and is well furnished throughout, everything that could suggest comfort for students being supplied. On the first floor is a library, reception room, practice rooms, dining and dwelling rooms. The second floor contains rooms for study and practice and the sleeping apartments, all being well arranged and perfectly ventilated. On the third floor is the music hall, which has a seating capacity of 800, and is used not only for the annual conventions and for vocal classes, but forms the general instruction room. The whole building seems admirably adapted to its purpose, new facilities being added from time to time in accordance with the most advanced ideas, yet the charges are very low as the management desired to bring its opportunities within the reach of all. The teachers are specialists in their respective departments, and all branches of the art receive faithful interpretation. None but the best methods are employed, and as a rule the instruction is given individually. A visit to the school affords a pleasant experience, the students ranging from beginners, who are just learning to read music at sight, to the advanced workers in harmony and composition, and many teachers, pianists, organists, and choristers have received a thorough training there."
1 Editor, Commemorative Biographical Record of Central Pennsylvania, Including the Counties of Centre, Clinton, Union and Snyder. (Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co., 1898), Pg 1103.
2 Editor, Commemorative Biographical Record of Central Pennsylvania, Including the Counties of Centre, Clinton, Union and Snyder. (Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co., 1898), Pg 1102.
Editor, Commemorative Biographical Record of Central Pennsylvania, Including the Counties of Centre, Clinton, Union and Snyder. (Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co., 1898), Pg 1105.
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