Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

George H. Mehard, M.D.

Husband George H. Mehard, M.D. 1 2

           Born: 22 Sep 1857 - Wurtemburg, Lawrence Co, PA 1 2

         Father: Robert Mehard (1813-1888) 1 3
         Mother: Christina Liebendorfer (Abt 1812-1886) 3




General Notes: Husband - George H. Mehard, M.D.

He was reared at Wur-temburg, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, where he received a rudimentary educational training in the public schools. Ambitious for knowledge, at the age of seventeen years he entered Washington & Jefferson College at Washington, Pennsylvania, from which he was graduated with the class of 1879. In the fall of that year he entered the Western Reserve Medical College, and after his graduation in 1881, with the degree of M. D., he attended lectures at Jef-ferson Medical College, Philadelphia, from which institution he was graduated in 1882. He began practice at Wurtemburg, Law-rence County, where he continued success-fully for nine years, then in the fall of 1891 he removed to Wampum, which af-forded a greater field for practice. A man of superior educational attainments, he kept well abreast of the rapid advance-ment in medical science, he handled some of the most complicated cases, with a skill that did not leave the issue long in doubt, and which established for him a prestige throughout that part of the county. Fraternally, he was a member of Wampum Lodge No. 865, I. O. O. F.; Wampum Lodge No. 240, K. P.; Mahoning Lodge No. 243, F. & A. M., at New Castle; Pittsburg Consistory, and Zim Zim Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S.

Dr. Mehard's education was commenced in the district schools of his native town. Being ambitious and of a studious turn of mind, he succeeded in obtaining a college education, entering Washington and Jefferson College at the age of seventeen, and graduating in the spring of 1879. His desire for knowledge was still unsatisfied, and his decision to study medicine prepared the way for his entrance to the Cleveland Medical College in the following fall; his graduation took place two years later. A course in the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia completed a thorough equipment in 1882, and he at once opened an office in Wurtemberg. He remained in his native town nine years, when he became attracted by the advantageous location of Wampum, whither he removed. Dr. Mehard built a reputation on his conscientious efforts and on his wide experience and surpassing skill in medical lines. He kept abreast of the times by judicious and exhaustive reading of the latest medical works, but at the same time did not disdain to employ a method that was proven successful for many years, nor to conduct his general practice on well-established lines, believing it to be for the interest of his patients to refrain from employing rather doubtful new procedures.
Dr. Mehard clung to the traditions of his fathers, and was a true-blue Republican.



1 Editor, Book of Biographies, Lawrence County, PA (Buffalo, NY: Biographical Publishing Company, 1897), Pg 446.

2 Aaron L. Hazen, 20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., 1908), Pg 706.

3 Aaron L. Hazen, 20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., 1908), Pg 705.

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