Robert Patton and Jane McMahon
Husband Robert Patton 1 2
Born: 31 Oct 1831 - County Down, Ireland 1 Christened: Died: 8 Jun 1882 1 Buried:Marriage: 20 May 1849 1
Wife Jane McMahon 1 2
Born: Christened: Died: Aft 1885 Buried:
1 F Mary P. Patton 2
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Samuel H. Nelson (1847- ) 3 4 Marr: 1880 2
2 M James C. Patton 1
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Robert Patton
His parents immigrated to this country while he was yet a small boy. He was a harness-maker, having learned the trade at Pittsburgh. In 1850 he moved to Cochranton, Crawford County, PA, and opened a harness-shop, which was in operation until 1856, at which time he commenced mercantile business, and continued the same until his death. Mr. Patton was a successful merchant. From a small beginning, by his untiring application and superior skill, his business rapidly increased, and very few merchants in the county enjoyed as liberal a patronage. About eight years before his death he took as a partner his oldest son, James C., the style of the firm being R. Patton & Son. In 1877 the Cochranton Savings Bank was organized. Mr. Patton was one of the original movers in the enterprise, and was its first President, which office he filled until his death, and under his administration, ably assisted by the other officers, the bank did a flourishing business and proved itself an indispensable addition to the business interests of Cochranton. Mr. Patton was also the first President of the French Creek Valley Agricultural Association, which has become not only a matter of importance to Cochranton, but to the counties of Mercer, Venango and Crawford. As a business man Mr. Patton was universally respected by those with whom he had dealings. He was prompt in meeting all his obligations, and at the same time was a lenient creditor. He took a deep interest in the welfare of the village, and was among the first to support any enterprise that promised to be beneficial. The public school was a matter of great importance, and its importance did not arise from the fact that he had children to educate, but was based on broader grounds—the general good. No one appreciated more fully the advantages of an education. Mr. Patton, though not a technical scholar, was practically a learned man. His course of reading was extended and thorough. He could give the date and the attending circumstances of the important events in English, French and American history. Whatever he read he remembered, and his recollection was clear and distinct. In political matters he was one of the best informed men in the county. He mastered the details and understood the effects and tendencies of party action. Though a man of strong convictions, he was tolerant with those who differed from him. He was free from malice and wished every one well. Mr. Patton did much toward advancing the material interests of Cochranton, and his influence was long felt. He was a warm friend, a congenial companion, a kind neighbor, a generous man, a devoted father and an affectionate husband. [HCC 1885, 755]
1 Editor, The History of Crawford County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Warner Beers & Co., 1885), Pg 755.
2 Samuel P. Bates, LL.D., Our County and Its People, A Historical and Memorial Record of Crawford County, Pennsylvania (W. A. Fergusson & Co., 1899), Pg 831.
3 Samuel P. Bates, LL.D., Our County and Its People, A Historical and Memorial Record of Crawford County, Pennsylvania (W. A. Fergusson & Co., 1899), Pg 830, 957.
Samuel P. Bates, LL.D., Our County and Its People, A Historical and Memorial Record of Crawford County, Pennsylvania (W. A. Fergusson & Co., 1899), Pg 830.
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