Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

Andrew Banks and Elizabeth Lintner

Husband Andrew Banks 1 2 3

           Born: 12 Jan 1767 - York Co, PA 1 3
           Died: 28 Dec 1855 - Lost Creek Valley, Juniata Co, PA 1 3

         Father: James Banks (1732-1793) 4 5
         Mother: Anna Small (Abt 1728-1805) 4 5

       Marriage: 14 Jan 1790 1

Wife Elizabeth Lintner 1 2 3

           Born: 14 Sep 1766 - Kingswood Twp, Hunterdon Co, NJ 1
           Died: 4 Apr 1848 1

         Father: Christian Lintner (      -1803) 1 6

1 M James Banks 1 2

           Born: 18 Jun 1791 7
           Died: Bef 1886
         Spouse: [Unk] Law (      -      ) 7

2 M John Banks 2 7 8

           Born: 13 May 1793 7
           Died: 3 Apr 1864 7
         Spouse: Katharine Keiser (      -Aft 1888) 7

3 M William Banks 2 9

           Born:  - Mifflin Co, PA
           Died: 10 Aug 1871 9

4 M David Banks 2 3 10

           Born: 23 May 1798 - Fermanagh Twp, Juniata Co, PA 2 3 11
           Died: 6 Mar 1870 3 12
         Buried: 8 Mar 1870 - Lost Creek Cemetery, near McAlisterville, Juniata Co, PA
         Spouse: Jane Thompson "Jean" McAlister (1803-1880) 3 10
           Marr: 10 Apr 1827 2 3 11

General Notes: Husband - Andrew Banks

He was about fifteen years of age when the management of the farm devolved upon him and his older brother James. He married and their first place of residence was on the portion of land which had been allotted to him in the division of the homestead farm. Here they remained a number of years, but at length parted with that tract and went to live on his half of the joint purchase he and his brother James had made. Here he continued to live during the remainder of his life.
This farm was greatly improved, and comfortable buildings were erected. He made two trips through western Pennsylvania on horseback, and purchased a tract of land not far from New Wilmington, in what is now Lawrence County. On this his son James afterward settled.
Andrew Banks was a man of medium height; his hair and eyes were black; his constitution was very robust; his figure erect and he always walked with a quick, elastic step. He acquired a fair English education and was a life-long reader. His power of memory was remarkable. He seemed able to recall names, dates and facts at pleasure. This made him remarkably interesting and instructive in conversation. He never seemed to grow old, but retained a degree of youthful sprightliness down to the close of his life. He was equally at home among children or people of mature years.
In religion he was a Presbyterian, and although not narrowly sectarian, he was very much interested in the progress of the church, in which he was for many years a ruling elder. He was very regular in his attendance upon the ordinances and even after his hearing became so impaired that he could get but little of the sermon he seemed to feel that it was good to be at the place of worship. He was a diligent Bible-reader and was accustomed to memorize favorite passages of Scripture. These afforded him great satisfaction when, in extreme age, his vision became so impaired that he could no longer read.
The close of life was very peaceful. He enjoyed the respect of all his neighbors and the affectionate regard and kindly offices of the household in which he lived. His death was attended by no protracted sickness or suffering. He was simply worn out and sank beneath the weight of years. He realized that the time of his departure was at hand, and quietly committing his soul to the care of that Saviour whom he had trusted and served so many years, he patiently awaited the moment of departure to the better country. He died and was buried in the grave-yard at the Lost Creek Church by the side of his wife, who had been borne thither seven years earlier.

He and his wife had four children, all sons.

General Notes: Wife - Elizabeth Lintner

When she was six years of age her father purchased a farm and settled in Lost Creek Valley, Juniata County, Pennsylvania. She grew up an intelligent, well-appearing young lady. She was a woman of great industry and economy. Even in the decline of life she was no way backward in the discharge of household duties. She was a well-informed, devoted Christian, and spared no pains in the religious instruction of her grandchildren, living in the same house with her. She died of asthma, in the eighty-second year of her age.



1 Editor, History of the Susquehanna and Juniata Valleys (Philadelphia, PA: Everts, Peck & Richards, 1886), Pg 827.

2 John W. Jordan, LL.D., A History of the Juniata Valley and Its People (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Co., 1913), Pg 1197.

3 Addams S. McAllister, The Descendants of John Thomson, Pioneer Scotch Covenanter (Easton, PA: The Chemical Publishing Company, 1917), Pg 107.

4 Editor, History of the Susquehanna and Juniata Valleys (Philadelphia, PA: Everts, Peck & Richards, 1886), Pg 824.

5 Addams S. McAllister, The Descendants of John Thomson, Pioneer Scotch Covenanter (Easton, PA: The Chemical Publishing Company, 1917), Pg 107, 144.

6 Addams S. McAllister, The Descendants of John Thomson, Pioneer Scotch Covenanter (Easton, PA: The Chemical Publishing Company, 1917), Pg 107, 276.

7 Editor, History of the Susquehanna and Juniata Valleys (Philadelphia, PA: Everts, Peck & Richards, 1886), Pg 828.

8 Editor, History of Mercer County, Pennsylvania. Its Past and Present (Chicago, IL: Brown, Runk & Co., Publishers, 1888), Pg 257.

9 Samuel T. Wiley, Biographical and Historical Cyclopedia of Indiana and Armstrong Counties, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia: John M. Gresham & Co., 1891), Pg 92.

10 Editor, History of the Susquehanna and Juniata Valleys (Philadelphia, PA: Everts, Peck & Richards, 1886), Pg 829, 835.

11 Editor, History of the Susquehanna and Juniata Valleys (Philadelphia, PA: Everts, Peck & Richards, 1886), Pg 829.

12 Editor, History of the Susquehanna and Juniata Valleys (Philadelphia, PA: Everts, Peck & Richards, 1886), Pg 630.

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