Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

Charles Jenkins McGill

Husband Charles Jenkins McGill 1

           Born: 28 Feb 1871 1

         Father: John Thomas McGill (1835-1882) 2
         Mother: Emily Newmyer (      -Aft 1900) 1




General Notes: Husband - Charles Jenkins McGill

He attended the public schools and began work when only ten years of age. He attended school only one winter after this. When eleven years old he secured a place in a livery stable, and after eighteen months went as chore and office boy to Dr. W. A. Shoemaker and after one year in the autumn of 1889 entered the store of Geo. C. McGill, with whom he remained eight and one-half years, giving up his position to assume the duties of postmaster in April, 1898. Mr. McGill is an ardent Republican and active in his identification with his party's interests. He was elected a member of the central Republican committee in 1893, and served five years. He was elected borough auditor in 1893, and resigned in 1895 to accept the office of school director, to which he was elected the same year. He was a member of the Order of Iroquois and owned two fine properties in Dawson.



1 Editor, Nelson's Biographical Dictionary and Historical Reference Book of Fayette County, Pennsylvania (Uniontown, PA: S. B. Nelson, Publisher, 1900), Pg 996.

2 Editor, Nelson's Biographical Dictionary and Historical Reference Book of Fayette County, Pennsylvania (Uniontown, PA: S. B. Nelson, Publisher, 1900), Pg 995.

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