Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

Robert Jefferis and Ann [Unk]

Husband Robert Jefferis 1

           Born: Abt 1670
           Died: 1738 1

   Other Spouse: Jane Chandler (      -      ) 2 - Abt 1692

Wife Ann [Unk] 1

           Died:  - Tell Twp, Huntingdon Co, PA

   Other Spouse: Richard Archer (      -      ) 1 - Bet 1738 and 1745

1 M Richard Jefferis 1

           Born: Abt 1730

General Notes: Husband - Robert Jefferis

East Bradford, Chester Co, PA

He is first mentioned as a witness at a court held at Chester, Pennsylvania, in September, 1685. In 1691 he purchased 60 acres of land near the middle of Upper Chichester township, Chester County, whereon he probably resided for some years. In 1701 he purchased 169 acres in East Bradford township, and having sold that in Chichester, removed to the last purchase. In 1703 he was appointed constable for Westtown, Bradford not being then organized. In 1721 he added to his possessions by purchasing 189 acres from William Buffington. He conveyed the homestead in 1733 to his son Benjamin, reserving a life estate, and having divided his other land between his sons, he does not appear to have owned any at the time of his death.



1 J. Smith Futhey & Gilbert Cope, History of Chester County, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: Louis H. Everts, 1881), Pg 613.

2 J. Smith Futhey & Gilbert Cope, History of Chester County, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: Louis H. Everts, 1881), Pg 496, 613.

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