Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

John S. Bell and Matilda Balliet

Husband John S. Bell 1

           Born: 4 Dec 1826 - County Antrim, Ireland 1

         Father: Francis Bell (      -      ) 1
         Mother: Mary Sloan (      -      ) 2

       Marriage: 15 May 1873 3

Wife Matilda Balliet 3


         Father: Joseph Balliet (Abt 1803-1869) 1
         Mother: Polly Swartz (      -Aft 1885) 3


General Notes: Husband - John S. Bell

He received a limited education in Ireland, where he remained until he was thirteen. His father died when he was a small boy, and his mother afterward married Patrick Blair, and immigrated to America in 1835, settling in Woodcock Township, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, on the farm later owned by George McIntosh. In 1840 his mother came back to Ireland for her three children, whom she then brought to America with her.
After coming to Crawford County, Pennsylvania, he worked on the farm until 1850, when he went to California, where he engaged in mining and general merchandise business for seven years. He then returned to Crawford County, where he thereafter resided, buying a farm in Woodcock Township in 1859. His farm comprised 147 acres, all under a high state of cultivation. Besides farming he was a breeder and dealer in thoroughbred short horn and Durham cattle, getting the original stock from Kentucky. His herd now comprised fourteen head, of which he had the pedigree, and most of which was registered in the "American Herd Book." He filled nearly all of the township offices. In politics was a Democrat.



1 Editor, The History of Crawford County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Warner Beers & Co., 1885), Pg 1143.

2 Editor, The History of Crawford County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Warner Beers & Co., 1885), Pg 1182.

3 Editor, The History of Crawford County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Warner Beers & Co., 1885), Pg 1144.

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