David I. Ball and Lucy M. Robinson
Husband David I. Ball 1 2
Born: 13 Jun 1844 - Farmington, Warren Co, PA 1 Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Abel Ball ( - ) 1 Mother: Lucy M. Northrop (Abt 1808-1897) 1
Marriage: 1871 3
Wife Lucy M. Robinson 3
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Elijah Robinson ( - ) 3 Mother:
1 F May Ball 2 3
Born: 6 Aug 1872 - Warren, Warren Co, PA 2 Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: William Charles De Forest (1873- ) 4 Marr: 23 Jun 1909 - Warren, Warren Co, PA 2
General Notes: Husband - David I. Ball
His elementary instruction was obtained in the district school, and he received advanced teachings in the Jamestown, New York, Union School, and in the collegiate institute in the same city. While pursuing his academic course, Mr. Ball taught several terms in his native county. He determined to adopt law as a profession, studied legal lore with Judge W. D. Brown, and was admitted to practice in 1875. Within a short time after being admitted to the bar he formed a copartnership with Judge Brown, the firm being Brown & Ball, and continuing prosperously until Mr. Brown was elected to a judgeship in 1880. After the elevation of his partner to the bench, Mr. Ball associated himself with Hon. C. C. Thompson.
Always very active, and possessing untiring energy and enthusiasm in his profession, Mr. Ball was constantly busy as a lawyer. He was connected with many reported cases in the Supreme Court, some of which were among the most celebrated in the legal annals of the state of Pennsylvania. He participated in the famous Ford and Lacy cases, which involved the partition of lands in Forest County, and the ownership of valuable lands in Allegheny County, and which occupied the attention of the court for two years. Mr. Ball was also connected with the case of the Commonwealth against Balph, who, with others, was charged with conspiracy, growing out of the Ford and Lacy cases. This case attracted unusual attention, the question arising as to the power of the Supreme Court to remove criminal cases to the Court of Quarter Sessions, the same power which was exercised by the Court of the King's Bench in England. Among the other notable cases in which Mr. Ball appeared may be mentioned Tolles et al. against Beaty et al., which involved the validity of title to oil property; Babcock vs. Day; and the case of Warren borough against Geer. Among the many positions of trust which he held, was that of one of the administrators of the estate of L. A. Robertson. The estate was valued at $2,500,000. The great question in the case was as to the domicile of the testator, whether in New York or Pennsylvania, which was finally settled by compromise, as being in the state of New York. Mr. Ball's bond as administrator was $600,000,-in furnishing which he experienced no difficulty,-so high did he stand in his profession, and among his fellow citizens, as a man of integrity and excellent reputation. Mr. Ball was known as a thorough student, and he gave to all his cases close study, and brought to them a varied experience which was of the greatest value to his clients.
He was a member of Eben N. Ford Post, No. 336, G. A. R., of Warren. He enlisted in Company C, Independent Pennsylvania Infantry, in July, 1862, and subsequently served in Battery H, Independent Pennsylvania Light Artillery, which was stationed in Virginia during the threatened invasion of Washington by the Rebels. He was honorably discharged from the army in June, 1865.
Politically, Mr. Ball was a strong Republican. He served as treasurer of Warren County in 1871-1872; and also served some years as a member of the school board of Warren borough, being president of the board for part of that time. He was chairman of a committee which had charge of the erection of the new Warren high school.
Mr. Ball was an active member of the Presbyterian Church, and was an elder therein, and also president of the board of trustees.
The many friends of Mr. Ball joined in presenting his claims for appointment, in 1897, to a vacancy which then existed upon the bench of the Superior Court. A large number of strong personal letters and petitions urging this appointment were presented to Gov. Hastings in his behalf. Among these numerous and very flattering testimonials to the high character and ability of Mr. Ball was a letter written by one who long had known him and who was recognized as most competent to judge of him as a man and lawyer, the Hon. Charles H. Noyes. Mr. Noyes' endorsement of Mr. Ball was as follows:
"Warren, Pa., Sept. 3, 1897.
"Hon. Daniel H. Hastings, Governor of Pennsylvania.
"Sir: Mr. David I. Ball, of the Warren Bar, is in every way qualified to fill the vacancy on the bench of the Superior Court with honor to himself and credit to the State. He is a lawyer of eminent ability and large experience, a careful, safe and judicious counsellor, and a good and clear writer. He is a man whose character is above all question, and such as to inspire the people with confidence in the rectitude of the decisions in which he may participate.
"Mr. Ball is in every way eminently fitted for the position, and I am glad to know that his friends will present his name to you for this appointment.
"Respectfully yours,
1 Editor, Book of Biographies, 37th Judicial District, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Biographical Publishing Company, 1899), Pg 97.
2 John W. Jordan, LL.D., Genealogical and Personal History of the Allegheny Valley, Pennsylvania (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1913), Pg 1075.
3 Editor, Book of Biographies, 37th Judicial District, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Biographical Publishing Company, 1899), Pg 98.
John W. Jordan, LL.D., Genealogical and Personal History of the Allegheny Valley, Pennsylvania (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1913), Pg 1074.
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