Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

Samuel Albert McCune

Husband Samuel Albert McCune 1

           Born: 18 May 1842 1
           Died: Aft 1886

         Father: Hugh Brady McCune (1805-1881) 1 2
         Mother: Isabella Jane Kirkpatrick (      -Aft 1886) 1 2




General Notes: Husband - Samuel Albert McCune

After leaving school he attended Duff's Commercial College, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. During school intervals he worked on the farm, and the habits of industry acquired were strengthened by the strict religious training of God-fearing parents. August 2, 1862, he enlisted in Company E, One Hundred and Thirtieth Pennsylvania Volunteers, and on the following 18th of September, in the great battle of Antietam, received two wounds \emdash one from a musket ball, in his right arm, and another by being struck in the right side by a piece of rebel shell. He was sent to the hospital, and, when nearly convalescent, was attacked with typhoid fever, and his health being thus seriously impaired he received an honorable discharge. His uncle Samuel, on his death, in February, 1881, left him the farm, on which he then had a tenant for some years.
Mr. McCune was a member of the executive committee of the Cumberland County Temperance Alliance beginning from its organization, and was one of the standing committee of the Prohibition party in State elections. He was for several years a ruling elder in the Big Spring Presbyterian Church, and was, beginning at its organization, a teacher in the Sabbath-school at Oakville.



1 Editor, History of Cumberland County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Warners, Beers & Co., 1886), Pg 521.

2 Editor, Nelson's Biographical Dictionary and Historical Reference Book of Fayette County, Pennsylvania (Uniontown, PA: S. B. Nelson, Publisher, 1900), Pg 937.

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