Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

Eliot McCormick

Husband Eliot McCormick 1

           Born: 5 May 1849 1

         Father: John McCormick (1818-1890) 2
         Mother: Caroline Pilsbury (      -      ) 2




General Notes: Husband - Eliot McCormick

He was educated at the Collegiate School, and first entered business with a prominent banking firm; he was secretary to Andrew H. Green, Comptroller of the City of New York, 1873-76; associated with Dr. Lyman Abbott as editor of the Christian Union, (later The Outlook); 1877-82, and, later, an editor of the New York Observer. In 1890 he succeeded his father as secretary of the Atlantic Dock Company of Brooklyn, and filled that office most creditably until his death. Mr. McCormick was a ready writer. He made three tours of observation in Europe, during which he wrote charm­ing descriptive letters for the Christian Union and Observer. The boys and girls were indebted to him for some of the best stories published in Wide Awake, and similar monthly publications, and his friends regret that he did not write more, as his stories, whether of real life, or romance, were peculiarly fascinating, pure and healthful. In New York he was a member of Dr. John Hall's Presbyterian Church, and for some years took a leading part in the Mission School work of that church. In Brooklyn he belonged to the Westminster Presbyterian Church, and was active in its interests and all good works.
In a sketch of Mr. McCormick's happy and useful life, his pastor, Dr. James M. Ludlow, wrote: "A peculiar characteristic of Mr. McCormick was his loving dis­position, and especially his love for boys. His Sabbath School class was always large and popular; he organized a Boys' club in Brooklyn, to which he gave his best thoughts and much of his time. The young people about him could not exhaust the patience with which he served them. The richest stores of his mind, his deepest sympa­thies, his practical and kindly counsel were always at their demand. More than one young man now advancing in honorable and successful life, regards his acquaintance with Mr. McCormick as among his chief blessings."
His cousin, Hon. Richard C. McCormick, has given this testimony: "Mr. McCormick was quiet and reserved in manner, and only those who knew him intimately and well could appreciate his fine gifts of mind and heart. To such his early death is a mystery; closing as it does an earthly life true to every refined instinct and elevated senti­ment, and giving promise of great usefulness and influence, and all that constitutes a noble manhood, enriched by a simple and unfalter­ing Christian faith."



1 Leander James McCormick, McCormick Family Record and Biography (Chicago, IL: Publisher Unknown, 1896), Pg 32.

2 Leander James McCormick, McCormick Family Record and Biography (Chicago, IL: Publisher Unknown, 1896), Pg 23.

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