Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

Charles C. McCormick and Charlotte A. Wright

Husband Charles C. McCormick 1

           Born: 18 Feb 1838 - Paradise, Northumberland Co, PA 1
           Died: 31 Jan 1884 - Milton, Northumberland Co, PA 1

         Father: Robert McCormick (1796-1873) 2
         Mother: Eliza Montgomery (      -      ) 3

       Marriage: 3 Jun 1868 4

Wife Charlotte A. Wright 4


         Father: L. M. Wright (      -      ) 4
         Mother: Sarah Blake (      -      ) 4

1 M Robert C. McCormick 5

           Born: 8 May 1869 5

2 F Helen C. McCormick 5

           Born: 25 Aug 1870 5

3 M Walter W. McCormick 5

           Born: 29 Jun 1872 5

General Notes: Husband - Charles C. McCormick

At the breaking out of the civil war, he was among the first to respond to his country's call, and owing to his military tact, indomitable energy and unquestionable bravery, he gradually rose from the rank of private to that of Brigadier General. On Oct. 9, 1861, he enlisted in Co. D., Eighth Regiment (Seventh Cavalry), and Nov. 18, 1861, was promoted to be Captain of Co. L. On Jan. 10, 1863, he became Colonel of the Regiment, and was brevetted Brigadier General, Mar. 13, 1865, for long, faithful and gallant service. He was mustered out, Aug. 23, 1865, and was promoted, after the war, to the rank of Major General of the National Guards of Pennsylvania. He fought in the Army of the Tennessee as a cavalryman, and was wounded at Bardstown, Kentucky, and Salam, Alabama. The bullets received at the latter place remained in his body until his death. He participated in the battles of Murfreesboro, Stone River, Alexandria, Chickamauga, Macon, Dallas, Atlanta, Columbia and Kenesaw Mountain. At the close of the war he returned to Milton, Pennsylvania, and purchased an interest in the firm of Murray, Dougal & Co., car manufacturers, from which he retired in 1877.



1 Leander James McCormick, McCormick Family Record and Biography (Chicago, IL: Publisher Unknown, 1896), Pg 127.

2 Leander James McCormick, McCormick Family Record and Biography (Chicago, IL: Publisher Unknown, 1896), Pg 125.

3 Leander James McCormick, McCormick Family Record and Biography (Chicago, IL: Publisher Unknown, 1896), Pg 126.

4 Leander James McCormick, McCormick Family Record and Biography (Chicago, IL: Publisher Unknown, 1896), Pg 128.

5 Leander James McCormick, McCormick Family Record and Biography (Chicago, IL: Publisher Unknown, 1896), Pg 129.

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