Henry McCarthy and Margaret McDowell
Husband Henry McCarthy 1
Born: - ? Ireland Christened: Died: - Huntingdon Co, PA Buried:Marriage:
Wife Margaret McDowell 1
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
1 M John McCarthy 2
Born: Abt 1776 Christened: Died: 1849 2 Buried:Spouse: Amelia Roberts ( - ) 2
General Notes: Husband - Henry McCarthy
He was of Scotch-Irish lineage, and came to America from County Down, Ireland, just before the Revolutionary war. He at once enlisted to fight for the liberties of his adopted country. He was in many battles, and several times narrowly escaped death. "He frequently entertained us," said Judge C. R. McCarthy, "with thrilling stories of the war. At one time, when the colonial forces were overpowered and compelled to flee, an English officer pursuing called to a comrade of McCarthy to halt. Upon looking back, the latter saw his comrade fall under the officer's sword, and in the next moment, the officer, who was mounted, would have been upon McCarthy, had he not bounded over a ditch which the officer's horse refused to cross." He said that he saw General Washington but once during the war. Shortly after the war, he married. From Franklin county he removed to Huntingdon, when that town consisted of only a few log houses.
"We frequently heard him speak," says Judge McCarthy, "of William Smith, the
founder of Huntingdon. He said Smith was kind and obliging, if one knew how to approach him, but was very eccentric, as may be seen from the following incident: McCarthy, wishing stones to build a chimney, loaded his wagon from Smith's land. Smith, arriving at this juncture, said, 'Who gave thee orders to tak' these stanes?' 'No one,' said McCarthy, 'I thought I was doing you a kindness.' 'Dear mon,' said he, 'you have a queer way of showing your kindness; these are my stanes; throw them out, every one of them.' McCarthy obeyed. A few days later, however, a man named Smiley was found by Smith loading upon his wagon the same stones which McCarthy had been compelled to unload. 'Who gave thee orders to tak' these stanes?' he said. 'No one,' said Smiley. 'Throw them out, every one of them; these are Henry McCarthy's stanes.' McCarthy, hearing this, hauled away the stones, and Smith was entirely satisfied that he should have them." After living in Huntingdon about six or eight years, Henry McCarthy removed to Mifflin County, near Newton Hamilton, and about twelve years later to West Kishacoquillas valley, Huntingdon County, where he spent the remainder of his life, dying at the age of eighty-nine years.
He and his wife had three children, a son and two daughters.
General Notes: Wife - Margaret McDowell
from Franklin Co, PA
She died about twelve years before her husband.
1 Editor, Commemorative Biographical Encyclopedia of the Juniata Valley (Chambersburg, PA: J. M. Runk & Co., 1897), Pg 85.
Editor, Commemorative Biographical Encyclopedia of the Juniata Valley (Chambersburg, PA: J. M. Runk & Co., 1897), Pg 86.
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