Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

Joseph M. McElhaney and Mary Elizabeth McCandless

Husband Joseph M. McElhaney 1

            AKA: Joseph McElhiney 2
           Born: 14 Jan 1846 - Prospect, Butler Co, PA 2
           Died: 21 Nov 1918 - Franklin, Venango Co, PA 2

         Father: James McElhiney (      -      ) 2
         Mother: Catherine Henshaw (      -      ) 2

       Marriage: 14 Jan 1875 3

Wife Mary Elizabeth McCandless 3

           Born:  - ? Butler Co, PA

         Father: Joseph McCandless (      -      ) 4
         Mother: Effie Jane Snyder (      -1907) 4

1 F Flora May McElhiney 3


2 M Carlton Budd McElhiney 3 5


3 M Curtis Earl McElhiney 3 5


4 M Joseph A. McElhaney 1

            AKA: Joseph Albion McElhiney 1 3 5
           Born: 16 Oct 1885 - Franklin, Venango Co, PA 1
         Spouse: Maude Keely (      -      ) 1
           Marr: 1916 - Franklin, Venango Co, PA 1

General Notes: Husband - Joseph M. McElhaney

He was reared and educated in Butler County, PA, of his birth, and prepared for the practical work of life by serving an apprenticeship to the trade of bricklayer with his father. After he had acquired the necessary experience he was given charge of certain details of the contracting business as foreman, remaining with his father until 1872, when he made the change which proved to be the turning point in his life work. He went to do one and a half days’ work at the plant now known as the Eclipse Works and was retained there permanently, remaining in the same employ until placed on the retired list with a pension in 1910—for a period of thirty-seven and a half years. At that time the establishment was under private ownership of a stock company, but the same year it was acquired by the Standard Oil Company and is now the Franklin plant of the Atlantic Refining Company, of Philadelphia, manufacturers of and dealers in Petroleum products. The best years of Mr. McElhiney’s life were spent in this service. At first he had charge of the buildings, later becoming superintendent, in which capacity he was retained until his retirement, having general supervision of the plant with several foremen to assist him, and assuming new duties as the constant expansion of the business required. He was detailed for the special work of building the refinery at Olean, NY, for the Standard Oil Company, but was engaged practically all of the time at the Eclipse refinery, and in the course of his long experience there met nearly all of the leading oil men in the United States. Many of the employes at the Eclipse Works have had long terms of service there, and Mr. McElhiney made a number of fast friends during his association with them.
They showed their appreciation and esteem when he retired by presenting him with a fine Howard gold watch, which he prized highly. P. R. Gray was the first general manager under whom he served, Mr. Gray’s successors during his time being Thomas Brown, Ben Brundage, Colonel Lewis and Duncan McIntosh. Mr. McElhiney had local property interests which took up considerable of his time, owning his home in Franklin and two farms. He spent his summers on his farm at Keeley’s Corners, in Sugarcreek Township, four miles north of Franklin on the Dempseytown road, where he had a neat residence and attractive surroundings. He kept a herd of Jersey cattle there, and improved the place materially, adding steadily to its value both as a home and a paying farm. Mr. McElhiney was a good citizen and supported the best men and measures with his vote, but he never cared to take any part in public affairs and never allowed his name to be used as a candidate for office. [CAB, 1003]



1 Joseph Riesenman, Jr., History of Northwestern Pennsylvania, Vol. III (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Co., Inc., 1943), Pg 351.

2 Charles A. Babcock, Venango County, Pennsylvania, Her Pioneers and People (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1919), Pg 1003.

3 Charles A. Babcock, Venango County, Pennsylvania, Her Pioneers and People (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1919), Pg 1004.

4 Joseph A. Ferree, The McCandless and Related Families, Pioneers of Butler County, Pennsylvania (Natrona Heights, PA: Self-Published, 1977), Pg 58.

5 Joseph A. Ferree, The McCandless and Related Families, Pioneers of Butler County, Pennsylvania (Natrona Heights, PA: Self-Published, 1977), Pg 61.

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