Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

George Mortimer Pelton and Eliza Matthews

Husband George Mortimer Pelton 1

           Born: 5 Sep 1872 - Lottsville, Freehold Twp, Warren Co, PA 1

         Father: Alfonzo Pelton (1845-      ) 2
         Mother: Rosetta E. Jaquay (1842-      ) 1

       Marriage: 18 Aug 1903 1

Wife Eliza Matthews 1

           Born: 12 Nov 1871 - Spring Creek Twp, Warren Co, PA 1

         Father: William Mott Matthews (      -      ) 1
         Mother: Sarah Jane Wynn (1839-      ) 1

1 M Frank Matthews Pelton 1

           Born: 10 Mar 1906 - Youngsville, Brokenstraw Twp, Warren Co, PA 1

General Notes: Husband - George Mortimer Pelton

He was educated in the public school at Lottsville, Warren County, Pennsylvania, and the United Brethren Seminary. He grew to manhood at the home farm, which was his home for thirty-one years. On June 1, 1903, he was appointed special agent under the state dairy and food bureau of the state department of agriculture, his territory covering from five to twelve counties of western Pennsylvania, as he received instructions. On August 21, 1906, he moved to a home in Youngsville, a modern brick dwelling on Bates street, erected by himself. He was a Republican in politics, and served as county and township auditor, leaving a record behind him of efficient, faithful official service. He became a member of Lottsville Lodge, No. 631, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, December 16, 1895, transferred his membership in January, 1907, to Youngsville Lodge, No. 500. He filled all the chairs in successive order and represented his lodge at the session of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania in session at Erie. He also was a member of Kossuth Encampment, No. 98, and Stella Lodge, No. 239, Daughters of Rebekah.

General Notes: Wife - Eliza Matthews

She was educated in the public schools of Bear Lake, Pine Grove, and the United Brethren Seminary at Sugargrove, Warren County, Pennsylvania. She taught in the schools of Freehold and Columbus townships for twelve years preceding her marriage. She was a member of Stella Lodge, Daughters of Rebekah.



1 John W. Jordan, LL.D., Genealogical and Personal History of the Allegheny Valley, Pennsylvania (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1913), Pg 1092.

2 John W. Jordan, LL.D., Genealogical and Personal History of the Allegheny Valley, Pennsylvania (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1913), Pg 1091.

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