Thaddeus Maclay Mahon and Martha M. Robinson
Husband Thaddeus Maclay Mahon 1 2
Born: 21 May 1840 - Green Village, Franklin Co, PA 3 Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Robert Mahon (1812-1881/1884) 1 4 Mother: Jane Wallace (1809- ) 1 4
Marriage: 1867 5
Other Spouse: Lucy Shuman ( - ) 5 - 1893 5
Wife Martha M. Robinson 5
Born: Christened: Died: 30 Jan 1892 5 Buried:
Father: William Robinson ( - ) 5 Mother: Mary [Unk] ( - ) 5
• They had no children.
General Notes: Husband - Thaddeus Maclay Mahon
He was educated at the public schools at the village of Scotland, Franklin County, Pennsylvania. He afterward worked in the blacksmith shop of his father, and later became a student at the Chambersburg Academy. Early in his teens, while at home, he took a lively interest in politics and the organization of the Republican party, and helped to rally the yeomanry for the "Pathfinder" in 1856. In 1860 he became a law student in the office of Kimmel & McLellan, but his studies were interrupted by his enlistment in 1862, in Company A, 126th P. V. I., nine months
men. He next enlisted in the 21st Pennsylvania Cavalry, in which he served until the close of the war, being severely wounded at Hatchers Run, Virginia. In 1866 Mr. Mahon received the Republican nomination for the office of Clerk of the Courts, and was elected. During his three years' incumbency of his office he resumed the study of law, and, after passing a creditable examination was admitted to the Bar, Jan. 25, 1870. The same year he became the Republican nominee for the Assembly, but was defeated at the election by a small majority. The adoption of the 15th Amendment had lost to the Republican party its customary majority, and the election of a member in 1869. His energetic campaign and the fighting qualities he displayed for the rights of the colored man, indicated him for the Legislative race in 1871, and he again was made the standard bearer, when he was elected by a flattering majority over the late Major North, of Mercersburg. Mr. Mahon again became the nominee in 1872, when the Democrats pitted against him W. S. Stenger, who had just completed his third term as District Attorney. The campaign which followed was one of unusual vigor. Mr. Stenger, who was editor of the Spirit, a writer of force, and an able disputant, was ably met on the issues of the day by his Republican opponent, who demonstrated as well rare abilities as a stump speaker, and he was elected by a majority of 512. Mr. Mahon became the Republican nominee for Congress in the old 18th district in 1876, but was defeated by Mr. Stenger, his famous antagonist for legislative honors, by a majority of 25 as against Mr. Stenger's majority against General Wister, in 1874, of 1,100. Mr. Mahon now gave his entire attention to his profession, but continued to share the work incident to important campaigns, whether as a member of State or County conventions, or on the stump. In 1888 he was a candidate for nomination to the Judgeship, but after a spirited contest was defeated by Hon. John Stewart. In 1892 Mr. Mahon was again induced to become a candidate for Congress. Receiving the endorsement of his home county, he became the District candidate after a spirited contest in Conference. He is now serving his seventh term, having been elected to the 53rd, 54th, 55th, 56th, 57th, 58th and 59th Congresses. The Republican county convention (1904) gave him a unanimous endorsement for the seventh term. The Congress district under the apportionment of 1901, became known as the 17th. With the addition of Perry, the district was composed of eight counties. His nomination by the District Conference for the seventh term was made in May.
From the start in the Legislature, Mr. Mahon held a commanding position, being made chairman of General Judiciary committee, the most important committee of the legislature. A man of generous impulses, accessible to all, he was thoroughly devoted to the interests of his constituents. The recognized friend and advocate of the veteran, no one labored more effectually in the interest of his comrades of the Civil war, or of the soldiers of the Spanish-American war. His famous speech on Pensions gave him prominence in Grand Army circles everywhere. It was one of twelve, and the only one on pensions that was selected by the Republican Congressional Committee for general circulation by the National Committee in the Presidential campaign of 1896. In his own Congressional district he had over 1,800 claims of pensioners called up and advanced. When others wavered he stood by McKinley and his war measures. He voted for all tariff legislation, and to repeal the war taxes; for legislation in the interest of labor, the farmer, the manufacturer and workingman. His service on important committees and continuously as chairman of War Claims, gave him a salutary influence in the shaping of wise legislation. Marked characteristics of his career, from the anvil to the halls of Congress, have been a will and purpose to go straight at things, thus promptly accomplishing that which baffled other men. As was said of him by a Washington correspondent, "Mr. Mahon is a fair fighter, as his record in many a skirmish in the House shows, but his blows are not little love taps by any means. Talbert, of South Carolina, the objector to pension legislation, has discovered how hard Mahon can hit." Under no previous Congressman was more done for the extension of the mail facilities to the people of his district. Through his influence the Chambersburg rural free delivery system was established, and he put into operation sixty-two routes in his district. It was pronounced the model service, and as such was among others conspicuously illustrated in the 1902 annual report of the first assistant postmaster general. At a later session he introduced a bill for the erection of a Government building in Chambersburg.
Mr. Mahon was prominent and influential as a member of the G. A. R. and Loyal Legion. He held the position of Judge Advocate, Department of Pennsylvania, G. A. R., and was liberally supported on two occasions for Department Commander. He had much to do with the formulation and passage of the bill in the Legislature of 1893, creating the Soldiers' Industrial School. As a member of the State Commission, on the part of the G. A. R., he had much to do with the successful management of that institution for some years. In politics a stalwart, he nevertheless courteously accorded to others the convictions he maintained for himself, standing upon the broad platform of a recognition of the rights of all, party unity and success.
In the promotion of local industries Mr. Mahon always took an active part. He did much to advance the business and material interests of his town, county and district. He remodeled and built many houses in Chambersburg, and paid out large sums of money to mechanics and laboring men. It was a rule of his life to pay men employed by him the wages they asked. He was a prime mover in the extension of the Western Maryland railroad to Shippensburg. From its origin he was an officer and director of the Baltimore and Cumberland Valley Railroad company, and became its president. He also helped to establish the St. Thomas bank, and was its president. As with other men in public life, Mr. Mahon had his fair share of enemies and detractors, but there was the answering fact to all of duty well and faithfully performed. His nominations for Congress came to him with unanimity, and his election in every instance was by unequaled majorities. His public and private life were irreproachable, and he proved faithful to every trust confided to him.
1 Editor, History of Franklin County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Warner, Beers & Co., 1887), Pg 784.
2 Editor, Biographical Annals of Franklin County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: The Genealogical Publishing Co., 1905), Pg 157.
3 Editor, Biographical Annals of Franklin County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: The Genealogical Publishing Co., 1905), Pg 158.
4 Editor, Biographical Annals of Franklin County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: The Genealogical Publishing Co., 1905), Pg 153, 157.
Editor, Biographical Annals of Franklin County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: The Genealogical Publishing Co., 1905), Pg 160.
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