Rose E. Lusher
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
Wife Rose E. Lusher 1
Born: 28 Mar 1858 - Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA 1 Christened: Died: 19 Jun 1895 - Franklin, Venango Co, PA 2 Buried: - Rockland Cemetery, Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA 3
Father: Jacob W. Lusher (1832-1909) 4 Mother: Margaret Elizabeth Troutner (1835-1903) 1
• Additional Image: A Memorial Card.
• Burial: : Rockland Cemetery, Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA.
General Notes: Wife - Rose E. Lusher
Her tombstone and death record give her name as "Rosa"; some census records give "Rosamund".
The Citizen-Press, Franklin, PA
June 20, 1895, pg 5, col 3
Miss Rose Lusher, of Rockland, Almost Instantly Killed in this City.
Miss Rose Lusher, aged about 35 years, and a daughter of George Lusher of Rockland township met with a terrible death in this city about 9 o'clock this (Wednesday) morning. Miss Lusher had arrived in the city from her home in a one-horse buggy and was driving up Liberty street, near Second, when a dog ran out from the roadside and bit the horse on the leg, causing it to plunge and kick wildly. Miss Lusher was kicked so violently in the breast as to cause her death in a few minutes. The horse was stopped and the injured lady removed to a house near by, but she was beyond aid. Undertaker Parks took charge of the remains, and they were forwarded to her home in Rockland this afternoon.
Oil City Derrick, Oil City, PA
June 20, 1895
Tragic Death of Miss Rose Lusher, of Rockland Township, at Franklin.
Franklin, June 19.-(Special)-Miss Rose Lusher, while driving in a buggy with her brother on Elk below First street, was kicked in the breast by the horse they were driving, and which had become unmanageable, and died from the injuries and shock received in about two hours.
The young lady and her brother, Lincoln Lusher, were driving to the city to do some shopping, and they started from their home, at Rockland township, in a buggy early in the morning. The horse they had was a young one, merely a colt and was quite lively, but it went along all right and did not give any trouble, until coming to the place where the unfortunate affair occurred. When the colt was jogging nicely along the road, a dog rushed out from the bushes at one side and caused it to become frightened. The animal began to jump and kick and almost the first kick it made, its hoof cleared the dash and struck Miss Lusher in the chest, causing her to become unconscious. The colt endeavored to run off, but the young lady's brother held him tight, and jerked him to one side, causing the beast to run into a wire fence at the roadside and stopping him. Mr. Lusher immediately removed his sister from the vehicle, who was still unconscious, and laid her on the grass. Residents living near the place where the affair occurred arrived soon after and endeavored to bring the young lady to, and did everything that was possible to be done under the circumstances. A physician was sent for immediately. After the injured lady had lain on the grass from 8 o'clock until about 9:30, she was carried into the house of Jacob Hughes, nearby. During all this time a doctor had not put in an appearance, although no less than three messengers had been sent after them. It was not until 20 minutes after the death of the young woman, which occurred about 10 o'clock, after an unconsciousness of two hours, that a physician arrived on the scene. The doctor that made an examination of the dead woman, stated that death was caused by the shock received, and not by the kick.
The young lady had been affected with heart trouble for two or three years and she was unable to stand the shock and excitement. A peculiarly sad feature of Miss Lusher's death was that she was coming to Franklin to do some shopping in order to prepare for a family reunion, which was to take place on the occasion of the 85th birthday of her grandmother, which occurs Friday next at the Lusher homestead at Rockland. The deceased was the daughter of Jacob Lusher, a well known and successful farmer of Rockland, and resided on the farm with her parents. She was 34 years of age. The body will be taken to the family residence Thursday morning, where the funeral will take place.
1 James Lincoln Lusher, Lusher Family Tree (Self-published, cir. 1942), Pg 7.
2 James Lincoln Lusher, Lusher Family Tree (Self-published, cir. 1942), Pg 32.
3 Venango County Historical Society, Venango County Pennsylvania Cemetery Records and Early Church Histories, Vol. 5, Rockland Township (Franklin, PA: Venango County Historical Society, 1997), Pg 112.
James Lincoln Lusher, Lusher Family Tree (Self-published, cir. 1942), Pg 3, 7.
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