Charles Albert Russell and Lillian Auril Lusher
Husband Charles Albert Russell
Born: 30 Jan 1881 Christened: Died: 18 Sep 1953 - Seattle, King Co, WA Buried: - Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Seattle, King Co, WA
Father: [Father] Russell ( - ) Mother:
• Burial: : Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Seattle, King Co, WA.
Wife Lillian Auril Lusher
Born: 11 Jan 1901 - Colorado Springs, El Paso Co, CO Christened: Died: 13 Nov 1987 - Seattle, King Co, WA Buried: - Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Seattle, King Co, WA
Father: Franklin Mitchell Lusher (1868-1950) 1 Mother: Elizabeth Eaton (1866-1910)
• Burial: : Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Seattle, King Co, WA.
General Notes: Husband - Charles Albert Russell
The Post-Intelligencer, Seattle, WA
Sept 22, 1953; pg 54, col 8
Charles Albert Russell
Charles Albert Russell, 72, of 1421-7th Ave., died Friday enroute to a hospital.
He is survived by his wife, Lillian; three brothers, John, Long Beach, Calif., Frank, Arlington, Calif., and Edward, of Oklahoma.
Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a. m. Tuesday at the Home Undertaking Co. with cremation to follow.
General Notes: Wife - Lillian Auril Lusher
The Seattle Times, Seattle, WA
Nov 14, 1987; pg A13, col 3
Lillian Auril RUSSELL
Age 86. Widow of Charles A. Russell. Aunt of Gerald E. Lusher, Spokane; Madeline Crumby and William F. Lusher, Seattle. She also leaves various nieces and nephews out of state. No service, at her request.
James Lincoln Lusher, Lusher Family Tree (Self-published, cir. 1942), Pg 12.
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