Ray Lusher and Elmina D. "Mina" Layman
Husband Ray Lusher 1
Born: 14 Apr 1874 - Wayne Co, IA Christened: Died: 26 May 1955 - Wayne Co, IA Buried: - Cambria Cemetery, Washington Twp, Wayne Co, IA
Father: Henry Harrison Lusher (1839-1901) 2 Mother: Louisa Mitchell (1842-1908) 1
Marriage: 4 Jul 1892 - Princeton, Mercer Co, MO
• Additional Image. L to R: Mina Lusher, Ray Lusher, Auril Lusher, rest unknown
• Additional Image. Ray Lusher and his sister Auril (Lusher) Pollard.
• Burial: : Cambria Cemetery, Washington Twp, Wayne Co, IA.
• Cemetery: : Cambria Cemetery, Washington Twp, Wayne Co, IA.
Wife Elmina D. "Mina" Layman
Born: 21 Jul 1872 - Henry Co, IA Christened: Died: 2 Jun 1953 - Corydon, Wayne Co, IA Buried: - Cambria Cemetery, Washington Twp, Wayne Co, IA
Father: John W. Layman ( -Bef 1942) Mother: Emma Davis ( -Bef 1942)
• Additional Image: Mina Lusher.
• Burial: : Cambria Cemetery, Washington Twp, Wayne Co, IA.
• Cemetery: : Cambria Cemetery, Washington Twp, Wayne Co, IA.
1 M Arlo Lusher
Born: 3 Sep 1895 Christened: Died: 4 Sep 1895 Buried: - Cambria Cemetery, Washington Twp, Wayne Co, IASpouse: Did Not Marry
2 F Merle H. Lusher
Born: 6 Mar 1899 - near Cambria, Washington Twp, Wayne Co, IA Christened: Died: 8 Oct 1906 - Benton Twp, Wayne Co, IA Buried: - Cambria Cemetery, Washington Twp, Wayne Co, IASpouse: Did Not Marry
3 M Miles Harlo Lusher
Born: 19 Apr 1908 - Washington Twp, Wayne Co, IA Christened: Died: Abt 12 Aug 1982 - Sun City, Maricopa Co, AZ Buried: - Sunland Memorial Park, Sun City, Maricopa Co, AZSpouse: Cora A. Johnson (1903-1992) Marr: 28 Dec 1929 - Waukegan, Lake Co, IL
General Notes: Husband - Ray Lusher
The Corydon Times-Republican, Corydon, IA
June 19, 1941
Ray Lusher Owns Deed Issued To Soldier of War of 1812
Army boys who receive furloughs haven't anything on Ray Lusher, Corydon seed dealer, for Ray has a furlough and he isn't even in the army.
The furlough in Mr. Lusher's possession was issued to his father, the late Henry H. Lusher, in 1864. It perrmitted him to go home on a visit from the 4th Pennsylvania volunteer cavalry in which outfit he was a sargeant during the Civil War. Ray also has his father's discharge papers showing when he was released from the army in 1865 at Lynchburg, Va.
Old Time Deed
An interesting deed to land in Ray's possession is one dated 1853 and made out to David Minor, a soldier of the War of 1812. Minor was a private in the Ohio militia in this war and after the war he took advantage of the privilege offered soliers by their country at that time, and "went West" to take up government land. The deed was to 80 acres in the north-west part of Wayne county. In 1883 the deed was transferred to Henry H. Lusher, Ray's father, by William Jackson, county recorder.
The Times-Republican would be interested in learning about more of these old deeds to Wayne county land that was transferred to soldiers of the War of 1812.
The Corydon Times-Republican, Corydon, IA
Apr 3, 1952
50 Year I.O.O.F. Pin to be Given Ray Lusher
Corydon Lodge No. 103 of the I. O. O. F. will meet in regular session next Tuesday evening for the purpose of honoring Brother Ray Lusher of Corydon. The main business of this meeting will be the presentation of a fifty year pin to Brother Lusher in recognition of his fifty continuous years as an Odd Fellow. He joined the I. O. O. F. at Cambria in April, 1902, and transferred his membership to Corydon in 1909 where he has held his membership since that date and has been a respected, faithful and active member during his entire membership.
Grand Master Wood will be present to present the award. An effort will be made to secure the attendance of all Fifty Year members of the order of Wayne county. Also, every member of the order of the county is invited and it is desired that a large representation from each lodge in Wayne county will be present at this meeting.
The Corydon Times-Republican, Corydon, IA
May, 1955
Ray Lusher, 81, Last Rites Held
Funeral services were held Sunday, May 22, at 2:00 p. m. at the Wolf Funeral home for Ray Lusher, 81, Corydon merchant who had for the past 48 years been engaged in the seed business in Corydon. Burial was in the Cambria cemetery.
48 Years Ago
Mr. Lusher first came to Corydon 48 years ago when he joined the staff of the Fred West seed store.
He became owner of the business here 16 years ago and had since that time continued to operate the seed store on the north side of the Corydon square.
He was preceded in death by his wife about three years ago and two sons Arlo and Merle.
For many years an active member of the Corydon Methodist church, he was also a member of the Corydon I. O. O. F. lodge and the Corydon Rotary club.
Surviving are: his son, Miles and wife, one granddaughter, Marilyn Ann, of Wilamette, Ill.; one sister, Mrs. Auril Pollard, other relatives and many friends and business associates throughout southern Iowa.
One of the longtime Corydon business men Mr. Lusher was widely known throughout the county and had helped to pioneer in introducing new varieties of seeds and pasture mixes into the county.
No Change
Loren Bills, who for the past 16 years had assisted Lusher in the operation of the store located on the north side of the Corydon square just next door to the Times-Republican said this week that he would continue to operate the store under the same management policies which have prevailed throughout the years.
General Notes: Wife - Elmina D. "Mina" Layman
The Corydon Times-Republican, Corydon, IA
Date unk
A birthday surprise party including four generations gathered at the home of Ray Lusher in Corydon last Sunday to celebrate the birthday anniversary of Mina Lusher. It was composed of the following families: Mrs. D. P. Goodrich, mother; Ida Neighbor and Mina Lusher, daughters; Milo Neighbor and Miles H. Lusher, grandsons; Jack Neighbor and Charles Neighbor, sons of Milo Neighbor, and great-grandsons of Mrs. Goodrich; Mrs. Nettie Neighbor, wife of Milo Neighbor; Jay Neighbor, husband of Ida Neighbor; and D. P. Goodrich. They came from Ames, the home of Milo; Des Moines, the home of Jay; and Humeston, home of Mr. and Mrs. Goodrich. All came with well filled baskets and the day was spent in reviewing the past and planning for the future; all enjoyed the day and departed for their homes wishing Mina many more birthdays.
-Humeston New Era
The Corydon Times-Republican, Corydon, IA
June 4, 1953; pg 1
Mrs. Ray Lusher Taken Tuesday
Mrs. Ray Lusher died at her home on South DeKalb street Tuesday morning at the age of 80 years. She had been in failing health for a number of years. Mr. and Mrs. Lusher have been residents of Corydon for the past 46 years, and celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on July 4 of last year.
Besides her husband she is survived by one son, Miles H. Lusher and granddaughter, Marilyn of Wilmette, Ill., and one nephew Milo Neighbor of Corydon.
Funeral services will be held at 2 p. m. Friday, June 5 from Wolf funeral home in Corydon. Burial will be in Cambria cemetery.
Unk newspaper, Corydon, IA
June, 1953
Elmina G. Lusher
Elmina G. Layman, daughter of John W. and Emma Davis Layman, was born in Henry county, Iowa, July 21, 1872 and passed away on June 2, 1953 at her home in Corydon at the age of 80 years, 10 months and 12 days. She came to Wayne county with her parents in 1878 and located near Cambria. She joined the Cambria Methodist church at an early age and transferred her membership to the First Methodist church of Corydon about 45 years ago.
She was united in marriage with Ray Lusher, on July 4, 1892. Three children were born to this union, a son Arlo and a daughter, Merle preceded her in death and a son Miles Harlo, who resides at Wilmette, Ill.
In addition to her church activities, Mrs. Lusher was a member of the Bethany Rebekah lodge No. 566 of Corydon. Besides a membership in this organization reaching back some 46 years, she was also a past Noble Grand.
Her health had been poor for a number of years, limiting her outside activities, but she had been able to carry on her household duties most of the time, until the day of her death.
Besides her husband, Ray and son, Miles she is survived by a granddaughter, Marilyn Ann Lusher of Willmette, Ill.; a nephew, Milo A. Neighbor of Corydon and many other friends and relatives.
Funeral services were held at 2 p. m. Friday, June 5 from Wolf funeral home in Corydon. Rev. R. T. White officiated. Music was furnished by Mrs. T. C. Poston with Francis Nelson at the piano. Members of the Rebekah lodge had
Notes: Marriage
Unk newspaper, Corydon, IA
July, 1942
Lushers Celebrate 50th Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lusher, South DeKalb street, will celebrate their golden wedding Saturday, July 4. A dinner will be served at the Eleanor tea room for the family and a few intimate friends.
Their son, Miles H., his wife and daughter Marilyn of Joliet, Ill., arrived today (Thursday) for the occasion.
Mrs. Lusher is the former Mina Layman, daughter of the late John and Emma Davis Layman, who were Wayne county residents.
Mr. and Mrs. Lusher have experienced both joys and sorrows through these fifty years. Two little sons died, Arlo in infancy and Merle when six years of age.
Unk newspaper, Corydon, IA
July, 1942
Lusher Anniversary-
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lusher celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Saturday at a dinner at the Eleanor tea room. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Miles Lusher and daughter Marilyn of Joliet, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. Jay Neighbor and Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Neighbor of Des Moines; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dunham, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. West, Freeland West, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Woollis, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Booth and granddaughter, Betty Ann.
Mr. and Mrs. Lusher were married in Princeton, Mo. and have resided in Wayne county the entire 50 years. They have lived in Corydon for the past 35 years. They received many lovely flowers, presents and cards from their friends in the community.
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Lusher and daughter Marilyn are spending a week's vacation in Corydon.
Unk newspaper, Corydon, IA
July, 1947
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lusher, celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary on July 4, at their home on South DeKalb street. Mrs. Lusher is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Goodrich of Humeston, and has one sister, Mrs. Ida Neighbor of Des Moines. The Lushers have one son, Miles Lusher of Wilmette, Ill., and one grandchild, Marilyn Lusher.
Unk newspaper, Corydon, IA
July, 1952
To Celebrate 60th Wedding Anni'sary
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lusher are invited to drop in at "Open house" in the basement of the Methodist church between three and five o'clock Friday afternoon, July 4th, on the occasion of their 60th wedding anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. Lusher are life-long residents of Wayne county and have lived in their present home on South DeKalb street for the past 45 years.
1 James Lincoln Lusher, Lusher Family Tree (Self-published, cir. 1942), Pg 12.
James Lincoln Lusher, Lusher Family Tree (Self-published, cir. 1942), Pg 3, 12.
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