Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

Thomas W. Long and Mary Lainhardt

Husband Thomas W. Long 1

           Born: 16 Jan 1828 - Brush Valley, Centre Co, PA 1

         Father: Isaac Long (      -      ) 2 3
         Mother: Catherine Wolf (      -Bef 1883) 2 3

       Marriage: Mar 1863 3

Wife Mary Lainhardt 3


1 M Seymour L. Long 3

           Died: when three months old
         Spouse: Did Not Marry

2 M Kennett Ardell Long 3

         Spouse: Nellie Levi (      -      ) 3

General Notes: Husband - Thomas W. Long

He was reared and educated in Centre County, Pennsylvania, and on leaving home went to New Berlin, Pennsylvania, where he learned the blacksmith's trade, at which he worked for only one year. Returning to his birthplace he served an apprenticeship to the cabinet maker's trade, which he followed for four years, and was then employed in the woods on Pine creek for two years. The following year was passed in lumbering on the Moshannon, after which he joined his brother, Samuel, in the show business, and remained with him for eight years, visiting all of the principal towns and cities in the West and South. While at Memphis, Tennessee, in the spring of 1861, they discontinued the business, and Thomas came north to Cincinnati, Ohio, where he joined an Ohio regiment for service in the Civil war. He was first ordered to Beverly, West Virginia, was in the battle of Garrett's Ford, and for one month was stationed at Philippi. While on picket duty at Cheat Mountain, he was taken prisoner by the Rebels, and for three months and a half was confined in Libby prison. He was then transferred to Tuscaloosa, Alabama, and was later confined at Salisbury, North Carolina, for three months, after which he was paroled and sent to Newbern, thatsState, where he joined General Burnsides' command. He was then sent to New York, and on to Columbus, Ohio, where he was honorably discharged in October, 1862. Returning to Pennsylvania, he located in Jersey Shore, and in December, 1862, again engaged in lumbering on Pine creek. In the following March he was married and at once took his bride to Mill Run on Pine creek, where he continued to follow lumbering for four years. Subsequently for a year and a half he engaged in jobbing for John Ardell at Beaver Mill, and in 1868 came to Morris township, Clearfield County, where for two years he was in the employ of G. W. Merrell. In connection with John Ardell he then purchased 1,800 acres of land, and commenced the manufacture of sawed lumber, but later sold to C. W. Holt and went to Indiana. After four years in the employ of Hopkins & Irwin, he located on Black Moshannon, and jobbed for G. B. Merrell for three years. Returning to Pine Creek, he followed lumbering three years for J. B. Fowler, of Jersey Shore.



1 Editor, Commemorative Biographical Record of Central Pennsylvania, Including the Counties of Centre, Clearfield, Jefferson and Clarion. (Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co., 1898), Pg 663.

2 John Blair Linn, History of Centre and Clinton Counties, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1883), Pg 230.

3 Editor, Commemorative Biographical Record of Central Pennsylvania, Including the Counties of Centre, Clearfield, Jefferson and Clarion. (Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co., 1898), Pg 664.

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