Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

Michael Kuntz and Unknown

Husband Michael Kuntz 1 2

            AKA: Michael Koontz 3
           Died: 10 Jul 1793 1 4

   Other Spouse: Unknown (      -      ) 2

Wife Unknown

           Died:  - Lancaster Co, PA

1 M John Kuntz 1

           Born: Abt 1783 - ? Lancaster Co, PA

General Notes: Husband - Michael Kuntz

The various sources gives contradictory information about his man:

He emigrated from Germany to America, and settled in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, where he lived several years. While living there his wife died, leaving a son John. He married a second wife, by whom he had two sons, George and Jacob. In the spring of 1788 he came to Washington, Pennsylvania, bought the lot on which Vowell's drug-store later stood, and built a cabin upon it, and lived there that year, and in the autumn returned to his home, where he remained during the year 1789. In the spring of the next year, when his son John was seven years old, he removed his family to Washington. In 1791 he was licensed to keep a tavern, and kept it one year. He was a member of a Lutheran Church in Lancaster County, and in 1792 rode to his old residence to be present at the dedication of a church at that place. He died the next year after his return. [HWC 1882, 484]

A laborer by occupation, he came, unaccompanied, in 1788, from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, to Washington County, and bought land where now stands the borough of Washington. Here he built a cabin, but on account of the Indians his family did not come out until May, 1790. He returned to Lancaster County, and there died. He was a Freemason of high standing. His widow survived him until about the year 1850; she was his second wife, and there is no record of any children by his first marriage. To his second union five children were born. [CBRWC, 281]

A laborer by occupation, he came, unaccompanied, in 1788, from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, to Washington County, and bought land where now stands the borough of Washington. Here he built a cabin, but on account of the Indians, his family did not come out until May, 1790. He revisited Lancaster County, but returned and died here in 1793 (he was a Freemason of high standing). His widow, who afterward married Joseph Price, survived him until about the year 1835, when she was called from earth at the advanced age of ninety-three years. She was his second wife, and there is a record of two children by his first marriage, John and an older brother, who was a carpenter. To his second union four children were born. [CBRWC, 223]
Although this seems to be refering to children of Joseph Price, the names given to the four children of the second union bear the surname Kuntz.

The family crossed the mountains on pack horses, the packs or saddle-bags being made of homemade linen, and when the little boys were tired walking they were placed in the pockets of these saddle bags.



1 Boyd Crumrine, History of Washington County, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: L. H. Everts & Co., 1882), Pg 484.

2 Editor, Commemorative Biographical Record of Washington County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1893), Pg 223, 281.

3 Boyd Crumrine, History of Washington County, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: L. H. Everts & Co., 1882), Pg 955.

4 Editor, Commemorative Biographical Record of Washington County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1893), Pg 223.

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