George L. Knoerr and Elizabeth "Lizzie" Zilliox
Husband George L. Knoerr 1
AKA: George L. Knarr 2 3 4 Born: 25 May 1846 - Brady Twp, Clearfield Co, PA 3 5 Christened: Died: 31 Dec 1910 3 Buried:
Father: Henry Knarr (Abt 1813-1886) 2 3 4 Mother: Catharine Marshall (Abt 1822/1826-1898) 3 4 6
Marriage: 1867 3 5
Other Spouse: Annis B. Coffman (1853- ) 7 - 1887 5
Wife Elizabeth "Lizzie" Zilliox 3 7
AKA: Elizabeth Zillox 5 Born: Cal 3 Dec 1849 - Brady Twp, Clearfield Co, PA Christened: Died: 27 Jun 1874 3 5 Buried:
1 M Hon. George Adam Knarr 7 8
AKA: G. A. Knoerr 5 Born: 15 Mar 1869 - Troutville, Clearfield Co, PA 5 8 Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Florence Margaret Weber ( - ) 5 9 Marr: Dec 1893 9
2 F Mary Emma Knarr 3 10
AKA: Mary Emma Knoerr 5 Born: 1871 5 Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: J. E. Rishel ( - ) 3 10
3 F Sarah Annie Knarr 3
AKA: Sara Annie Knoerr 5 Born: Jun 1874 5 Christened: Died: 22 Aug 1874 3 Buried:Spouse: Did Not Marry
General Notes: Husband - George L. Knoerr
He was born on the home farm in Brady township, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania. His literary training was such as the common schools of the neighborhood afforded. Learning the shoe-maker's trade, he followed that occupation for about fifteen years.
After his first marriage, he bought a lot and built a large dwelling house in Troutville, where he continued to work at his trade until 1871, when he removed to Pennville, but at the end of two years returned to the former place and built an addition to his residence for business purposes. In 1885 he embarked in merchandising. Ten years later he purchased the old Zillox farm on the Luthersburg pike, which he conducted in connection with his other business.
As a stalwart Democrat, he took quite a prominent part in local politics, and served as overseer of the poor for one term. He was a consistent member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, to which his wife and children also belonged.
He was born on the old Knarr homestead and was reared there, helping to clear off a large part of the brush and timber. Later learned the shoemaking trade, which he followed at Grampian and later at Troutville. He built up a large shoe business, and after factories commenced to turn out shoes in such numbers that hand-made shoes were not in such great demand, he gradually added other goods to his stock until he found himself a general merchant and doing well. He conducted this business from 1876 until shortly before his death.
He was active in the fraternal order of Knights of Pythias.
1 Editor, Commemorative Biographical Record of Central Pennsylvania, Including the Counties of Centre, Clearfield, Jefferson and Clarion. (Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co., 1898), Pg 952.
2 Editor, Commemorative Biographical Record of Central Pennsylvania, Including the Counties of Centre, Clearfield, Jefferson and Clarion. (Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co., 1898), Pg 662, 720.
3 Roland D. Swoope, Jr., 20th Century History of Clearfield County, Pa., and Representative Citizens (Chicago, IL: Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., 1911), Pg 568.
4 Joseph Riesenman, Jr., History of Northwestern Pennsylvania, Vol. III (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Co., Inc., 1943), Pg 563.
5 Editor, Commemorative Biographical Record of Central Pennsylvania, Including the Counties of Centre, Clearfield, Jefferson and Clarion. (Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co., 1898), Pg 953.
6 Editor, Commemorative Biographical Record of Central Pennsylvania, Including the Counties of Centre, Clearfield, Jefferson and Clarion. (Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co., 1898), Pg 662, 720, 952.
7 Editor, Commemorative Biographical Record of Central Pennsylvania, Including the Counties of Centre, Clearfield, Jefferson and Clarion. (Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co., 1898), Pg 662.
8 Roland D. Swoope, Jr., 20th Century History of Clearfield County, Pa., and Representative Citizens (Chicago, IL: Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., 1911), Pg 567.
9 Roland D. Swoope, Jr., 20th Century History of Clearfield County, Pa., and Representative Citizens (Chicago, IL: Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., 1911), Pg 569.
Editor, Commemorative Biographical Record of Central Pennsylvania, Including the Counties of Centre, Clearfield, Jefferson and Clarion. (Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co., 1898), Pg 662, 953.
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