Samuel W. Kepler and Martha C. Strouss
Husband Samuel W. Kepler 1
Born: 19 Jun 1821 - Crawford Co, PA 1 Christened: Died: 15 Mar 1891 2 Buried:
Father: Jacob Kepler (1795-1877) 2 3 Mother: Margaret A. Peiffer ( - ) 1
Marriage: 1860 4
Other Spouse: Christine Sherred ( - ) 4 - 1843 4
Wife Martha C. Strouss 4
AKA: Martha Strauss 2 Born: Christened: Died: Abt 1913 Buried:
Father: Maj. Reuben Strouss ( - ) 4 Mother:
1 M Edgar Kepler 4
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
2 M Tracy D. Kepler 4 5
Born: Christened: Died: 15 Oct 1917 5 Buried:Spouse: Minnie Gertrude Truran ( -1928) 5 Marr: 1888 5
3 F Anna Kepler 4
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
4 F Mattie Kepler 4
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
5 M Frederick Kepler 4
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Samuel W. Kepler
He commenced business in 1853 by opening a hotel at McKean Corners, Erie County, Pennsylvania, where he remained two years; then moved to Venango, Crawford County, and there kept hotel until 1860. The following five years he spent in Titusville, in same line of business, and then for three years operated a farm in Woodcock Township, Crawford County. In 1868 he took charge of the Eagle Hotel, Meadville, and at different intervals kept two other hotels, till 1879, in which year he opened the Kepler House. He and his family were members of the Unitarian Church; he was a member of the A. O. U. W., E. A. U., and I. O. O. F., Encampment D. D. G. P.
His first hotel was located at McKean Corners, Erie County, Pennsylvania, where he remained from 1853 to 1858. During the following two years he operated a hotel at Venangoboro and after that had a hotel in Titusville. In 1868 he removed to Meadville and took over the operation of the Eagle Hotel on Water Street, near the corner of Walnut Street. In 1872 he took possession of the New Cullom House, which was located near the end of the new Dock Street Bridge, later known as Mead Avenue. This hotel was the scene of his celebrated reunion for the veterans of the War of 1812, of which his father was one. A picture of that gathering, held at Meadville, September 11, 1876, was long in existence. In 1879 Samuel W. Kepler moved to the old Kepler House, standing on Market Street opposite the Market House. This hostelry boasted eighteen rooms and enjoyed the marked favor of the community and its visitors. Mr. Kepler operated the Kepler House until his death. Outside his business career, he was best known for his long connection with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and was the moving spirit in founding and supporting the Odd Fellows Orphans' Home at Meadville. This institution was the first fraternal orphans' home in the world.
1 Editor, The History of Crawford County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Warner Beers & Co., 1885), Pg 746.
2 Joseph Riesenman, Jr., History of Northwestern Pennsylvania, Vol. III (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Co., Inc., 1943), Pg 171.
3 Editor, The History of Crawford County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Warner Beers & Co., 1885), Pg 1122.
4 Editor, The History of Crawford County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Warner Beers & Co., 1885), Pg 747.
Joseph Riesenman, Jr., History of Northwestern Pennsylvania, Vol. III (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Co., Inc., 1943), Pg 172.
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