John Miller Keneipp and Iva Ione Lusher
Husband John Miller Keneipp 1
Born: 26 Nov 1893 - Pennsylvania Christened: Died: 27 Mar 1982 - Augusta, Butler Co, KS Buried: - Elmwood Cemetery, Augusta, Butler Co, KS
Father: James Keneipp ( - ) Mother: Lucinda Craig ( - )
Marriage: 23 Jun 1917 - Bridgeport, Lawrence Co, IL
• Burial: : Elmwood Cemetery, Augusta, Butler Co, KS.
Wife Iva Ione Lusher 1
Born: 11 Aug 1900 - Pennsylvania Christened: Died: 26 Nov 1988 - Augusta, Butler Co, KS Buried: - Elmwood Cemetery, Augusta, Butler Co, KS
Father: Wilbur Troutner Lusher (1875-1936) 2 Mother: Barbara Melissa Myers (1871-1937) 1
• Burial: : Elmwood Cemetery, Augusta, Butler Co, KS.
1 F Floris Irene Keneipp 1
Born: 23 Nov 1917 - Gordon, Butler Co, KS Christened: Died: 1 Jun 1959 - ? Winfield, Cowley Co, KS Buried: - Elmwood Cemetery, Augusta, Butler Co, KSSpouse: Did Not Marry
2 F Marjorie Laree Keneipp 1
Born: 8 Nov 1919 - Augusta, Butler Co, KS Christened: Died: 27 Feb 2002 - ? Longview, Cowlitz Co, WA Buried:Spouse: [Unk] Newkirk ( - ) Marr: Greenwood Co, KSSpouse: Earl Copeland Page (1918-2004) Marr: 24 Feb
3 F Donna Ann Keneipp 1
Born: 9 Sep 1928 Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Jack Watson ( -Bef 1998) Marr: 14 Jun 1950. (Divorced)
General Notes: Husband - John Miller Keneipp
Augusta Daily Gazette, Augusta, KS
Mar 29, 1982; pg 3, col 3
John Keneipp Dies At 88
John Miller Keneipp, 88, 124 E. Kelly, died Saturday at the Augusta Medical Complex.
His services will be at 2 p.m. tomorrow at the First Christian Church. Rev. Richard Bacon will officiate and burial will be in Elmwood Cemetery.
He was born Nov. 26, 1893, in Pennsylvania to James and Lucinda Craig Keneipp.
He married Iva I. Lusher June 23, 1917 in Bridgeport, Ill. She survives.
He was a retired Mobil Oil Corporation employee and a member of the First Christian Church.
Other survivors include two daughters, Marjorie Page, Longview, Wash., and Donna
Watson, Vancouver, Wash.; six grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.
A daughter, Floris Irene Keneipp, preceded him in death in 1959. Six brothers and a sister also preceded him in death.
General Notes: Wife - Iva Ione Lusher
Unk newspaper,
Nov, 1988
Iva Keneipp died Saturday at AMCI
Iva Ione Keneipp, 88, of Augusta died Saturday at the Augusta Medical Complex.
Her services will be Thursday, Dec. 1, at the First Christian Church. Rev. Jon Grissom will officiate the 11 a.m. service. Burial will be in the Elmwood Cemetery.
She was born on Aug. 11, 1900 to Wilbert T. and Mellissa (Myers) Lusher in Pennsylvania.
On June 23, 1917 she was united in marriage to John M. Keniepp in Bridgeport, Ill. He preceded her in death in 1982.
Survivors include her daughters, Marjorie Page of Longview, Wash., Donna Watson of Vancover, Wash; sister, Audene Jones of McPherson; and six grandchildren.
One daughter Floris Irene Keneipp preceded her in death in 1959.
A memorial has been established with the First Christian Church.
Dunsford Funeral Home has the arrangements.
Notes: Marriage
Unk newspaper,
June 1967
John M. Keneipps
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Keneipp will be honored with an open house in observance of their 50th wedding anniversary from 2 to 5 p.m. June 25 in Fellowship Hall of the First Christian Church.
Mr. Keneipp and the former Iva Lusher were married in Lawrenceville, Ill., on June 23, 1917. They came to Kansas in 1918 and since have lived in and around Augusta with the exception of four years which they spent in Greenwood County.
Mr. Keneipp was retired from the Magnolia Petroleum Co. in 1959 after working there for 37 years.
The Keneipps are the parents of three daughters, Mrs. E. C. (Marjorie) Page of Longview, Wash.; Mrs. J. W. (Donna) Watson of Vancouver, Wash.; and the late Florence Irene Keneipp.
They have six grandchildren.
1 James Lincoln Lusher, Lusher Family Tree (Self-published, cir. 1942), Pg 11.
James Lincoln Lusher, Lusher Family Tree (Self-published, cir. 1942), Pg 7, 11.
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