Daniel C. Keller, Esq. and Julia A. Stump
Husband Daniel C. Keller, Esq. 1 2
Born: 18 Jul 1841 1 2 Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Jacob Keller (1803-1848) 1 Mother: Christina Dinges (1807-1850) 2
Marriage: 23 Dec 1862 2
Wife Julia A. Stump 1 2
Born: 8 Jun 1844 - Snyder Co, PA 1 Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: William Stump ( -Aft 1898) 2 Mother: Unknown ( -1865)
1 M Jacob W. Keller 1 3
Born: 29 Jan 1864 3 Christened: Died: 12 Jan 1866 3 Buried:Spouse: Did Not Marry
2 M James D. Keller 1 3
Born: 11 Aug 1868 3 Christened: Died: 20 Jan 1872 3 Buried:Spouse: Did Not Marry
3 M John R. Keller 1 3
Born: 14 Oct 1871 3 Christened: Died: Buried:
4 F Mary Agnes Keller 1 3
Born: 19 Aug 1875 3 Christened: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Daniel C. Keller, Esq.
His father died when he was not yet seven years old, and he found a home with his brother after his mother's death, which occurred only about three years after his father's. He was therefore thrown upon his own resources very early in life, and with a very limited education commenced the struggles of life. In 1864 he removed to Milroy, Mifflin County, Pennsylvania, where he kept the Union Hotel three years, after which he removed to Centre Hall, and followed a variety of occupations until he was elected county treasurer in November, 1881, after which he took up his residence in Bellefonte.
For three years following his marriage he conducted a hotel at Milroy, Mifflin County, Pennsylvania, and he spent one year in farming, and managing a hotel at Centre Hall. He then became interested in dealing in implements, and in the cattle business, and remained at Centre Hall until 1881, when he was elected county treasurer, and moved to Bellefonte. He entered upon the duties of his office January 1, 1882, and served three years, returning to Potter township at the close of his term, and erecting one of the finest residences in that section. Farming and dealing in stock occupied his time while there, but in 1883 he sold his farm and moved to Turbotville, Northumberland County, to take charge of the "Union Hotel," which he gave up later for a business at Bellefonte, as proprietor of the "Hotel Haag," formerly known as the "Cummings House." He continued to own valuable property at Centre Hall, and during his residence there he for several years held the office of justice of the peace. In political faith he was a Democrat. Like his ancestors, he belonged to the Reformed Church, and he was also a member of the Masonic order, having been one of the nine charter members of the Old Fort Lodge. [CBRCP-CCJC, 103]
General Notes: Wife - Julia A. Stump
from Snyder Co, PA
1 John Blair Linn, History of Centre and Clinton Counties, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1883), Pg 415.
2 Editor, Commemorative Biographical Record of Central Pennsylvania, Including the Counties of Centre, Clearfield, Jefferson and Clarion. (Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co., 1898), Pg 103.
Editor, Commemorative Biographical Record of Central Pennsylvania, Including the Counties of Centre, Clearfield, Jefferson and Clarion. (Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co., 1898), Pg 104.
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