William D. Keck and Eva Stewart
Husband William D. Keck 1
Born: 7 Jan 1850 - Greenville, Mercer Co, PA 2 Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: John Keck (1816-1885) 3 Mother: Terrissa Osmon (1819- ) 3
Wife Eva Stewart 2
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: James Stewart ( - ) 2 Mother:
1 M James M. Keck 2
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
2 F Louese Keck 2
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - William D. Keck
He was educated in the Greenville, PA, schools and brought up in his father’s store. He attended a commercial college at Mount Union, Ohio, beginning at the age of fifteen years, from which institution he was graduated. After clerking a while for his father, he was employed by Lawton, Burnett & Co., coal operators, and subsequently was employed in the office of Gen. McKibben, then superintendent of the Shenango & Allegheny Railroad, where he remained two years. He was then engaged as agent for a railroad at Mercer, and three years later he severed this connection and entered a partnership with Charles M. Derickson, in the general dry goods business, and built up an extensive trade. He was been a member of the borough council of Mercer, was chief of the fire department, was a member of the Masonic Lodge of Greenville, was a stanch Republican, and one of the enterprising business men of Mercer.
1 Editor, History of Mercer County, Pennsylvania. Its Past and Present (Chicago, IL: Brown, Runk & Co., Publishers, 1888), Pg 672, 804.
2 Editor, History of Mercer County, Pennsylvania. Its Past and Present (Chicago, IL: Brown, Runk & Co., Publishers, 1888), Pg 672.
Editor, History of Mercer County, Pennsylvania. Its Past and Present (Chicago, IL: Brown, Runk & Co., Publishers, 1888), Pg 803.
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