Ralph Lawson Jones and Floris Audene "Audene" Lusher
Husband Ralph Lawson Jones 1
Born: 16 Apr 1906 - Benton Co, AR Christened: Died: 19 May 1953 - McPherson, McPherson Co, KS Buried: - McPherson City Cemetery, McPherson, McPherson Co, KS
Father: William Smith ( -Aft 1953) Mother: Lona Barnes ( -Aft 1953)
Marriage: 12 May 1928 - Emporia, Lyon Co, KS
• Burial: : McPherson City Cemetery, McPherson, McPherson Co, KS.
Wife Floris Audene "Audene" Lusher 1
Born: 22 Jun 1909 - Braton Bridge, IN Christened: Died: 21 May 1999 - McPherson, McPherson Co, KS Buried: - McPherson City Cemetery, McPherson, McPherson Co, KS
Father: Wilbur Troutner Lusher (1875-1936) 2 Mother: Barbara Melissa Myers (1871-1937) 1
1 F Barbara Jean Jones
Born: 17 Nov 1928 - McPherson, McPherson Co, KS Christened: Died: 29 Nov 2008 - ? McPherson, McPherson Co, KS Buried:Spouse: Marvin Wallace Meats (1922-2001) Marr: 8 Feb 1948 - McPherson, McPherson Co, KS
2 F Patricia Ann Jones
Born: 1 Dec 1930 - McPherson, McPherson Co, KS Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Frederick William Gatz (1926- ) Marr: 18 Jul 1948 - McPherson, McPherson Co, KS
3 F Merna Sue Jones
Born: 6 Sep 1931 - McPherson, McPherson Co, KS Christened: Died: 17 Jul 1982 - McPherson, McPherson Co, KS Buried: - McPherson City Cemetery, McPherson, McPherson Co, KSSpouse: Robert W. Pritchard (1931-1981) Marr: 13 Sep 1952
General Notes: Husband - Ralph Lawson Jones
Unk newspaper,
May, 1953
Ralph L. Jones, 47, Dies
Mr. Ralph L. Jones, 47, died suddenly from a heart attack yesterday noon at his home at 1004 South Ash Street. He had been in failing health for the past several weeks. Mr. Jones was an engineer for the Socony Vacuum Oil Company.
Mr. Jones was born on April 16, 1906, at Benton County, Ark., the son of William and Lona Barnes Smith. He was married to Audine Lusher on May 12, 1923, at Emporia. Mr. Jones was a member of the Christian Church. The Jones have lived in McPherson since 1928.
Besides the widow, survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Barbara Meats, Mrs. Patricia Gatz and Mrs. Merna Sue Pritchard, all of McPherson; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Smith of Muskogee, Okla.; three grandchildren; seven sisters and two brothers.
Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the Christian Church with Rev. Harold Herndon officiating. Friends may call at the Quiring Funeral Home this evening from 7 to 9 o'clock. Interment will be in McPherson Cemetery.
General Notes: Wife - Floris Audene "Audene" Lusher
Unk newspaper, McPherson, KS
May 21, 1999
Audene Jones
Audene Jones, Highland Manor, formerly of 1004 S. Ash, died May 20, 1999, at Memorial Hospital. She was 89.
She was born June 22, 1909, at Braton Bridge, Ind., to Wilber Troutner and Barbara Melissa (Myers) Lusher. She married Ralph Lawson Jones on May 12, 1928, at Emporia. He died May 19, 1953. A homemaker and mail clerk from Farmers Alliance Insurance Co., she had lived here since 1936, moving from Galva. She was a member of First Christian Church, Royal Neighbors, Mothers Club and the Christian Women's Fellowship of the church.
Survivors include two daughters, Barbara J. Meats and Patricia Gatz, both of McPherson; six grandchildren, and 10 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by one daughter, Merna Sue Pritchard, two sisters, Lillian Marie Lusher and Iva Ione Keneipp, and one grandson, Ron Meats.
Funeral services will be conducted at 10 a.m. Tuesday at First Christian Church with the Rev. Neil Engle and the Rev. Jill Kaylor officiating. Burial will be in the McPherson Cemetery. Friends may call from 1 to 5 p.m. Sunday with the family receiving friends from 3 to 5 p.m. Sunday at Glidden-Ediger Funeral Home.
Memorials are suggested to First Christian Church.
Unk newspaper, McPherson, KS
May 21, 1999
Jones services
Funeral services for Floris Audene Jones were conducted May 25, 1999, at First Christian Church with the Rev. Neil Engle and the Rev. Jill Kaylor officiating.
Music was provided by Cheryl Bennitt and Cheri Gumm, vocalists, and Laurene Selack, organist. Honorary casketbearers were Fritz Gatz, Craig McMurray, Price Pritchard, Greg Rhoads, Addisu Haiie and Tom Hamb. Ushers were Jerry Hatcher and K.B. Cunningham. Burial was in the McPherson Cemetery.
Glidden-Ediger Funeral Home was in charge of the arrangements.
1 James Lincoln Lusher, Lusher Family Tree (Self-published, cir. 1942), Pg 11.
James Lincoln Lusher, Lusher Family Tree (Self-published, cir. 1942), Pg 7, 11.
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