Jacob Isett and Eleanor Stockdale
Husband Jacob Isett 1 2 3
Born: 16 Feb 1760 - Bucks Co, PA 4 Christened: Died: 1 Jun 1852 2 5 Buried:Marriage: 1795 2
Wife Eleanor Stockdale 2 4
Born: - County Down, Ireland Christened: Died: 1827 5 Buried:
1 M John S. Isett 1 2 6
Born: 14 Oct 1799 - Arch Spring, Sinking Valley, Huntingdon Co, PA 7 Christened: Died: Aft 1883 Buried:Spouse: Mary Ann Bell ( - ) 5 6 Marr: 19 Jul 1825 5
2 F Mary Isett 2
Born: Christened: Died: when eighty-two years old Buried:Spouse: Did Not Marry
3 F Eleanor Isett 2
AKA: Ellen Isett 8 Born: 10 Sep 1797 3 Christened: Died: 6 Mar 1881 2 3 Buried: - Harrisburg, Dauphin Co, PASpouse: John Conrad Bucher (1792-1851) 8 Marr: 17 Jan 1820 3
4 M Samuel Isett 2
Born: Christened: Died: Aft 1883 Buried:
5 M Thomas M. Isett 2
Born: Christened: Died: Aft 1883 Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Jacob Isett
He was born of German Lutheran parents in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, in 1760. In 1787 he came to Sinking Valley, Huntingdon County, and at the Lead-Mine Fort worked at his trade of shoemaking. There was no money to be had for work, and he took his pay in wheat at fifty cents per bushel. It advanced in price, and he sold the two hundred bushels he had accumulated at one dollar and fifty cents per bushel, which was his start in life. He then bought the Arch Spring property, and in 1789 built a saw- and grist-mill. The grist-mill had but one run of stones, which were obtained in the neighboring mountains, while the bolter was turned by hand and by those who wished their flour bolted. He afterwards bought what was later known as the Union Furnace power, intending to build a merchant and grist-mill. In 1798, he built on the Little Juniata River the foundation for a dam, dug part of a head-race, and put in head-gates, all of which were washed away by a flood the next spring. He then sent his mill-wright to the Arch Spring Mill, who reported that power could be obtained to drive a fourteen-foot overshot-wheel, and the following spring (1799) he built a stone grist-mill which was forty by forty-five feet and three stories high, and was for that time a very large mill.
He and his wife were the parents of seven children.
General Notes: Wife - Eleanor Stockdale
She was born of Protestant parents, in County Down, Ireland. Her father emigrated to America, and settled in Baltimore, Maryland, where he died two years after, leaving his family in very straitened circumstances. Her mother married again, and the family then came to Canoe Valley, in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania.
Notes: Marriage
They reared three sons and four daughters, two of the latter dying while young women.
1 J. Simpson Africa, The History of Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: Louis H. Everts, 1883), Pg 272, 276.
2 J. Simpson Africa, The History of Blair County, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: Louis H. Everts, 1883), Pg 233.
3 William Henry Egle, M.D., M.A., Pennsylvania Genealogies; Chiefly Scotch-Irish and German (Harrisburg, PA: Harrisburg Publishing Co., 1896), Pg 126.
4 J. Simpson Africa, The History of Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: Louis H. Everts, 1883), Pg 276.
5 J. Simpson Africa, The History of Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: Louis H. Everts, 1883), Pg 277.
6 William Henry Egle, M.D., M.A., Pennsylvania Genealogies; Chiefly Scotch-Irish and German (Harrisburg, PA: Harrisburg Publishing Co., 1896), Pg 130.
7 J. Simpson Africa, The History of Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: Louis H. Everts, 1883), Pg 272.
William Henry Egle, M.D., M.A., Pennsylvania Genealogies; Chiefly Scotch-Irish and German (Harrisburg, PA: Harrisburg Publishing Co., 1896), Pg 125.
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