Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

John R. Thompson and Lottie S. Hyatt

Husband John R. Thompson 1

           Born: 9 Jun 1859 - Salona, Clinton Co, PA 1

         Father: James T. Thompson (1826-Aft 1898) 2
         Mother: Hannah M. Lemon (1832-1890) 1

       Marriage: Jan 1886 3

Wife Lottie S. Hyatt 3

           Born: 18 Sep 1859 - Bradford Co, PA 3

         Father: Eli Hyatt (      -Bef 1898) 3
         Mother: Emma F. Herr (1835-Aft 1898) 3

1 M Randolph H. Thompson 3

           Born: 11 Sep 1886 3

2 M Clinton T. Thompson 3

           Born: 27 Feb 1888 3

3 F Helen C. Thompson 3

           Born: 4 Apr 1890 3

4 F Emma L. Thompson 3

           Born: 4 Mar 1897 3

General Notes: Husband - John R. Thompson

He regularly attended school until eighteen years of age, thus acquiring a good practical education. For one year he taught school in Beech Creek township, Clinton County, Pennsylvania, receiving $24 per month. In the spring of 1880 he began working as a carriage-painter for W. J. Eddy & D. B. Krape, of Salona, at fifty cents per day, but at the end of two months his wages were increased to $1.50. The burning of the factory caused him to go to Howard, Pennlsylvania, where for two years he worked at his trade for G. M. Quiggle. After his marriage he visited Illinois, Iowa and Missouri, and for a few months was employed in Quincy, Illinois, after which he returned to Salona, and was thereafter engaged in the wholesale butcher business, buying cattle, which he slaughtered and dressed ready for market and then sold. Beginning in 1886 he was successfully engaged in this undertaking, and he also did an extensive business as a shipper and seller of live stock. In the spring of 1890 he located upon a farm in Lamar township, Clinton County, known as a part of the Nestlerode farm, which at one time was owned by James Thompson, a brother of his great-grandfather. It comprised some of the finest land to be found in Nittany Valley, and was improved by him until it became one of the most attractive and desirable places in the township. His elegant modern residence at Salona was erected in 1894, and the barns and other outbuildings were remodeled. Besides his home place, he owned property in Lock Haven, a number of houses in Salona, a half interest in several valuable timber tracts in Union County, and adjoining his home farm he purchased a tract of land, a portion of which he laid off and sold into town lots, which were improved with good houses. From 1892 he successfully engaged in the raising of tobacco in connection with his farming.
After casting his first vote for James A. Garfield, Mr. Thompson was unwavering in his support of the Republican party, but he always refused to accept office, preferring to devote his undivided attention to his extensive business interests. Fraternally, he was a member of Olympic Council Royal Arcanum, No. 932, at Lock Haven.

General Notes: Wife - Lottie S. Hyatt

from Lamar Twp, Clinton Co, PA



1 Editor, Commemorative Biographical Record of Central Pennsylvania, Including the Counties of Centre, Clinton, Union and Snyder. (Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co., 1898), Pg 726.

2 Editor, Commemorative Biographical Record of Central Pennsylvania, Including the Counties of Centre, Clinton, Union and Snyder. (Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co., 1898), Pg 726, 1177.

3 Editor, Commemorative Biographical Record of Central Pennsylvania, Including the Counties of Centre, Clinton, Union and Snyder. (Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co., 1898), Pg 727.

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