George Frank Kelly and Candace Hurst
Husband George Frank Kelly 1
Born: 31 May 1863 - Cherry Tree, Indiana Co, PA 2 Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Dr. James H. Kelly, M.D. (1834- ) 3 4 Mother: Nancy Horton Gamble (1836- ) 3 4 5
Marriage: 3 Jun 1896 6
Wife Candace Hurst 6 7 8
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: John Hurst (1839- ) 6 9 10 Mother: Euphemia Parker ( - ) 6 9 10
1 M [Infant] Kelly 6
Born: 26 Oct 1897 6 Christened: Died: 30 Oct 1897 6 Buried:
General Notes: Husband - George Frank Kelly
The year after his birth he removed to Pleasant Unity, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, with his parents. He acquired his early education in the public schools there, and then attended in succession the following educational institutions: Sewickley Academy, in Mount Pleasant township; Memorial Academy, Saltsburg, Pennsylvania; Central State Normal School, Lock Haven, Pennsylvania; from this last named institution he was graduated in the class of 1886. He taught school in Unity and Mount Pleasant townships several terms prior to his final graduation. He resigned the position of principal of the schools of Pleasant Unity at Christ-mas, 1886, to become vice-principal in Scottdale, beginning his duties there January 1, 1887. Was elected principal of these schools for the following year, and served in that capacity for five years. He was a candidate for the position of superintendent of public schools in Westmoreland County in 1890, but was defeated by George H. Hugus, who was re-elected. He abandoned school work two years later, though advancement was offered him, and became the editor of the Daily Tribune, Greensburg, Pennsylvania, worked along this line three years, and established a well-earned reputation for himself as a newspaper man. He returned to Scottdale in 1895 and engaged in the real estate business, forming a partnership with Jesse R. Smith, a prominent attorney and business man, under the firm name of Smith & Kelly. Individually and as a member of this firm, the business of which was established by Mr. Smith in 1881, Mr. Kelly was identified with many projects for the improvement and advancement of Scottdale, among these being the location of a number of successful manufacturing concerns for the town and the laying out of several plans of lots there. He was identified with numerous business interests, and was a director in various corporations. In religion he was a Presbyterian, having united with the Presbyterian church at Pleasant Unity when but eleven years of age. He became a member of the First Presbyterian Church, Scottdale, superintendent of the Sunday school, and treasurer of the board of trustees for the some ten years. He took an active interest in public affairs, affiliated with the Republican party, and served as a member of the Scottdale borough council 1898-1901. [HWC 1906 III, 267]
1 John W. Jordan, History of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, Genealogical Memoirs, Vol. III (Chicago, IL: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1906), Pg 265, 348.
2 John W. Jordan, History of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, Genealogical Memoirs, Vol. III (Chicago, IL: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1906), Pg 267.
3 Samuel T. Wiley, Biographical and Historical Cyclopedia of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: John M. Gresham & Co., 1890.), Pg 480.
4 John W. Jordan, History of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, Genealogical Memoirs, Vol. III (Chicago, IL: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1906), Pg 267, 345.
5 Editor, History of Indiana County, Pennsylvania (Newark, OH: J. A. Caldwell, 1880), Pg 432.
6 John W. Jordan, History of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, Genealogical Memoirs, Vol. III (Chicago, IL: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1906), Pg 268.
7 John W. Jordan, History of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, Genealogical Memoirs, Vol. II (Chicago, IL: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1906), Pg 162.
8 Fenwick Y. Hedley, Old and New Westmoreland, Vols. III & IV (New York, NY: The American Historical Society, Inc., 1918), Pg 767.
9 John W. Jordan, History of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, Genealogical Memoirs, Vol. II (Chicago, IL: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1906), Pg 160, 162.
Fenwick Y. Hedley, Old and New Westmoreland, Vols. III & IV (New York, NY: The American Historical Society, Inc., 1918), Pg 766.
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