Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

James Turner and Martha Hunter

Husband James Turner 1 2

           Born: 30 Mar 1801 - Jackson Twp, Mercer Co, PA 3
           Died: 1874 4

         Father: Alexander Turner (1762-1840) 5 6
         Mother: Nancy Krickbaum (      -1824) 7

       Marriage: Abt 1824

Wife Martha Hunter 3


         Father: Richard Hunter (      -      ) 3

1 M Alexander Turner 3

           Born: 18 Jan 1825 - Lake Twp, Mercer Co, PA 3
         Spouse: Rachael A. Reagle (      -      ) 8
           Marr: 26 Oct 1848 8

2 F Nancy Turner 9

           Born: 17 Aug 1826 - Lake Twp, Mercer Co, PA 9
         Spouse: Simeon D. Waldron (      -      ) 9
           Marr: 2 Jan 1849 9

3 M Richard Turner 4

           Born: 11 Feb 1829 - Lake Twp, Mercer Co, PA 4
         Spouse: Nancy Westlake (      -      ) 4
           Marr: 1851 4

4 F [Infant] Turner 10

           Died: 1831 10

General Notes: Husband - James Turner

He worked on the farm with his brothers till he was about nineteen years of age.
He was then apprenticed to one Jacob Mowry to learn the blacksmith trade. After completing his apprenticeship he worked as a journeyman smith in Pittsburgh and other places till 1824. After his marriage he moved onto a tract of land given him by his father on the north side of Sandy Lake-known later as the Thompson farm. Here he erected a log house and smithy, and when not busy in the shop he occupied himself grubbing out the oak bushes with which his land was covered. In the course of seven years he had about twenty acres cleared. He then, not being pleased with his location, sold it and bought of the land agent, Stephen Barlow, one hundred acres of virgin forest, situated in what is now Worth township, Mercer County. Here he erected a very large log house and a shop, and again began the herculean task of making a home for himself and family, working at his trade as he had opportunity. After he had been there about four years he met with an accident that closed his career as a blacksmith. Bennett Grace, a neighbor, came in to get his horses shod. One of his tools, called a "hardy" needed repairing and he tried to cut a piece of steel from an old axe with which to make the repairs. Mr. Grace was acting as "striker." A piece of the steel flew up and struck him in the eye, putting it out and making him blind. He sold his tools and ever after devoted his attention to the interest of his farm on which he built a fine residence.



1 Alexander Turner, A History of the Turner Family and Their Connections (Sheakleyville, PA: Press of W. R. English, 1890), Pg 41.

2 Editor, Book of Biographies, Lawrence County, PA (Buffalo, NY: Biographical Publishing Company, 1897), Pg 180.

3 Alexander Turner, A History of the Turner Family and Their Connections (Sheakleyville, PA: Press of W. R. English, 1890), Pg 42.

4 Alexander Turner, A History of the Turner Family and Their Connections (Sheakleyville, PA: Press of W. R. English, 1890), Pg 48.

5 Alexander Turner, A History of the Turner Family and Their Connections (Sheakleyville, PA: Press of W. R. English, 1890), Pg 4.

6 J. G. White, A Twentieth Century History of Mercer County Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1909), Pg 1044.

7 Alexander Turner, A History of the Turner Family and Their Connections (Sheakleyville, PA: Press of W. R. English, 1890), Pg 6.

8 Alexander Turner, A History of the Turner Family and Their Connections (Sheakleyville, PA: Press of W. R. English, 1890), Pg 44.

9 Alexander Turner, A History of the Turner Family and Their Connections (Sheakleyville, PA: Press of W. R. English, 1890), Pg 46.

10 Alexander Turner, A History of the Turner Family and Their Connections (Sheakleyville, PA: Press of W. R. English, 1890), Pg 49.

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