Francis Jordan and Mary Hall
Husband Francis Jordan 1
Born: 5 Feb 1820 - Bedford Co, PA 1 Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: John Jordan ( - ) 1 Mother: Jane [Unk] ( - ) 1
Other Spouse: Louisa Farquhar ( - ) 1
Wife Mary Hall 1
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Rev. William Maclay Hall (1801-1851) 2 3 4 Mother: Ellen Campbell Williams (1805-1878) 2 3 4
General Notes: Husband - Francis Jordan
He was educated by his maternal uncle, a Mississippi planter, at Augusta College, Kentucky, and at Franklin and Marshall College, Pennsylvania. He studied law, was admitted to practice, and soon after was appointed district attorney of Bedford County, Pennsylvania, and subsequently elected to the same position. At the outset his official conduct was able, his indictments being so accurately drawn that not one of them was quashed for informality. In 1850 he became the law partner of Alexander King, of Bedford, subsequently president judge, which relations continued until 1861. In 1855, Mr. Jordan commenced his public career, and was elected to the State Senate for a term of three years. There he was made chairman of the committee charged with drawing a bill for the readjustment of legislative districts under a new apportionment, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, composed of some of the best legal talent in the State, and a prominent advocate of the bill authorizing the sale of the public works. He declined a re-election, and was soon after appointed one of a commission of three to revise the civil code, which duty was postponed on account of hostilities, and finally passed to other hands. He was also tendered the appointment of attorney-general of the State by the Governor, which he reluctantly declined by reason of the complications attending it. A pressing exigency called for a sudden concentration of troops upon the central border and at Cumberland, Maryland, in the autumn of 1861. Upon the request of Governor Curtin, Mr. Jordan accompanied the noted Reserve Corps as assistant quartermaster, and while thus employed, without solicitation or even knowledge, he was appointed by President Lincoln paymaster in the army, and promptly confirmed, and served for two and a half years in Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, and Louisiana, during the last four months of which time being chief paymaster in the Army of the Mississippi, and disbursing during his entire term four million dollars, under a bond of only twenty thousand dollars, rendering a satisfactory account. Urged by Governor Curtin he resigned his position, and was appointed by him military agent of the State at Washington, where the manifold interests of Pennsylvania were ably represented, and under his management the claims of Pennsylvania soldiers were promptly examined and paid. The Legislature, recognizing his efficient services, passed an act conferring upon him the rank of a colonel of infantry. In 1866, Col. Jordan was chosen chairman of the Republican State Central Committee, and conducted the canvass with great ability and discretion, resulting in the election of Gen. Geary, who appointed Col. Jordan Secretary of the Commonwealth, in which capacity he served for six years.
In 1871, pending the agitation for the revision of the State Constitution, he wrote and published a paper advocating a revision and detailing his reasons, which was well received, and on the 19th of February, 1872, upon invitation, he delivered an address before the Social Science Association, of Philadelphia, and afterward in Pittsburgh, advocating thirteen amendments, covering the most vital defects of the old instrument, twelve of which were adopted by the State Convention. These papers served to establish the reputation of Col. Jordan as a sound lawyer, and elicited strong commendation from intelligent men both within and without the commonwealth. Col. Jordan was prominently presented in the nominating convention as the successor of Governor Geary, but withdrawn to harmonize conflicting interests, and in the same convention his vote was next to the successful candidate for judge of the Supreme Court, although he was not before the convention for the office. Col. Jordan took up his residence in Harrisburg upon his appointment as Secretary of the Commonwealth, and in 1872 resumed the practice of law in partnership with Hon. Louis W. Hall. From that time he acted as counsel for the Pennsylvania Railroad, and various other corporations. On Nov. 4, 1882, following the resignation of Secretary Quay, he was appointed by Governor Hoyt Secretary of the Commonwealth. About the same time he was also prevailed upon to accept the presidency of the Pennsylvania Telephone Company.
1 William Henry Egle, History of the County of Dauphin in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: Everts & Peck, 1883), Pg 581.
2 William Henry Egle, History of the County of Dauphin in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: Everts & Peck, 1883), Pg 499.
3 Editor, Biographical Annals of Franklin County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: The Genealogical Publishing Co., 1905), Pg 148.
Editor, History of Franklin County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Warner, Beers & Co., 1887), Pg 827.
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