Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

Charles H. Stubbs and Sallie B. Haines

Husband Charles H. Stubbs 1

           Born: 30 Dec 1839 1

         Father: Jeremiah Brown Stubbs (1804-1862) 2
         Mother: Rachel H. Kirk (      -      ) 2

       Marriage: 10 Sep 1868 1

Wife Sallie B. Haines 1


         Father: Timothy Haines (      -      ) 1
         Mother: Rachel E. [Unk] (      -      ) 1


General Notes: Husband - Charles H. Stubbs

After attending several terms at the Millersville State Normal School, he commenced, in 1861, the study of medicine under direction of his father. In 1862, while a student, he received from Surg.-Gen. Hammond, United States army, the appointment of medical cadet, and joined the medical staff of Brigade-Surgeon David McRuer, in charge of the floating hospital, Louisiana; employed in conveying the wounded of Gen. McClellan's army to Philadelphia and Washington; attended two courses of lectures at Jefferson Medical College, and graduated in the class of March 10, 1863. In July of that year he was appointed assistant surgeon Fortieth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Militia, and in 1864 served on the staff of Surgeon Joseph Hopkinson Mower, United States Army Hospital, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia.
Beginning in 1864 he resided at the homestead in Fulton township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, he engaged in farming and practicing his profession. He was at one time a director of the Peach Bottom Railroad Company. During his leisure hours he was able to gratify his taste for the natural sciences. His cabinet of minerals, fossils, and relics of the Stone Age, was among the finest in the county. He was the author of several monographs on various subjects, and a volume on genealogy; was a corresponding member of the Linnaean Society of Lancaster, and of the Maryland Academy of Science.



1 Franklin Ellis & Samuel Evans, History of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: Everts & Peck, 1883), Pg 259.

2 Franklin Ellis & Samuel Evans, History of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: Everts & Peck, 1883), Pg 258.

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