Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

Matthew Davidson Montgomery and Nancy Anderson

Husband Matthew Davidson Montgomery 1

           Born: 27 Feb 1814 - Cumberland Co, PA 1
           Died: 3 Mar 1899 - Irwin Twp, Venango Co, PA 1
         Buried:  - Amity-Mt. Irwin Cemetery, Irwin Twp, Venango Co, PA 2

         Father: Robert Montgomery (Abt 1766-1854) 1
         Mother: Rebecca [Unk] (Abt 1765-1840) 1

       Marriage: 19 Mar 1835 - Cumberland Co, PA 1

   Other Spouse: Elizabeth Hanes (cal 1820-1856) 1 - 30 Jan 1837

   Other Spouse: Mary Ann Steffy (1821-1897) 1 - 10 Dec 1857 1

Wife Nancy Anderson 1

           Died: May 1836 1


• They had no children.

General Notes: Husband - Matthew Davidson Montgomery

His second wife came from the Ohio border. They settled on land his father acquired in Venango County, Pennsylvania, and he inherited that place when his father died, living there up to the time of his third marriage.

He was a thrifty, prosperous farmer, owning 180 acres of land in his two farms, to whose cultivation he devoted most of his energies. When the oil excitement broke out in that section he had an interest on Oil creek and worked in that field for a time. Part of the house on the Griffin farm dates back seventy-five years, and he built a substantial addition thereto in 1870. He was enterprising and progressive, and besides looking after his own affairs capably took a hand in the local government and other matters of general interest. Originally a Whig in politics, he later became a Democrat, and worked faithfully for his party. He was elected to some of the minor township offices. He was one of the stockholders in the Mount Irwin cemetery, his son Samuel succeeding him in that connection. His religious connection was with the M. E. Church at Pleasant View. [CAB, 733]



1 Charles A. Babcock, Venango County, Pennsylvania, Her Pioneers and People (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1919), Pg 733.

2 Venango County Historical Society, Venango County Pennsylvania Cemetery Records and Early Church Histories, Vol. 1, Irwin, Mineral, & Victory Townships (Franklin, PA: Venango County Historical Society, 1992), Pg 30.

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