Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

Dr. Joseph Hickman and Mary Grubb

Husband Dr. Joseph Hickman 1

           Born: 12 Apr 1804 - West Bradford Twp, Chester Co, PA 2
           Died: 14 May 1856 2
 Cause of Death: Apoplexy ?

         Father: Thomas Hickman (1773-1838) 1
         Mother: Elizabeth Battin (1782-1871) 1

       Marriage: 17 Mar 1831 2

Wife Mary Grubb 2


         Father: Samuel Grubb (      -      ) 2


General Notes: Husband - Dr. Joseph Hickman

After completing his preliminary education he engaged for a time in teaching school. Having determined to enter the profession of medicine, he became a pupil of Dr. George McClellan, who at that time occupied the chair of surgery in the Jefferson Medical College, and after attending the requisite course of lectures he graduated at that institution in 1829. He first practiced his profession in Thornbury township, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, where he remained about two years, and then removed to Willistown township, Chester County, where he continued in the performance of his professional duties, mingled with agricultural pursuits, until his death.
In 1852 he represented the county in the State Legislature, where he was considered a diligent and faithful guardian of the interests of his constituents, and entered with zeal into measures of reform calculated to benefit the community, especially that of temperance.
He died suddenly, it was supposed of apoplexy.



1 J. Smith Futhey & Gilbert Cope, History of Chester County, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: Louis H. Everts, 1881), Pg 600.

2 J. Smith Futhey & Gilbert Cope, History of Chester County, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: Louis H. Everts, 1881), Pg 603.

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