Henry H. Gregg and Rose Mitchell
Husband Henry H. Gregg 1 2 3
Born: 19 Mar 1840 1 2 3 Christened: Died: Aft 1897 Buried:
Father: Matthew Duncan Gregg (1804-1845) 1 4 5 6 7 Mother: Ellen McMurtrie (1802-1847) 1 3 5 6
Wife Rose Mitchell 2
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Henry H. Gregg
He was in the military service during the war of the Rebellion; was commissioned major; was captured by the Confederates and taken to Libby prison.
He was educated at Milnwood Academy, and was graduated at Dickinson College. He was in the military service during the Civil War, and rose to the rank of major. He later lived at Joplin, Missouri, and was extensively engaged in lead mining.
Civil War: he served in the Union Army for three years, first as Captain in the 125th Reg. Pa. Vol. Inf., and as Major in the 13th Reg. Pa. Vol. Cav.
1 Editor, Commemorative Biographical Encyclopedia of the Juniata Valley (Chambersburg, PA: J. M. Runk & Co., 1897), Pg 3.
2 —, Book of Biographies of Leading Citizens of Berks County, PA (Buffalo, NY: Biographical Publishing Company, 1898), Pg 13.
3 G. O. Seilhamer, Esq, The Bard Family (Chambersburg, PA: Kittochtinny Press, 1908), Pg 332.
4 John Blair Linn, History of Centre and Clinton Counties, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1883), Pg 197.
5 Editor, Commemorative Biographical Record of Central Pennsylvania, Including the Counties of Centre, Clearfield, Jefferson and Clarion. (Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co., 1898), Pg 20.
6 —, Book of Biographies of Leading Citizens of Berks County, PA (Buffalo, NY: Biographical Publishing Company, 1898), Pg 11, 13.
G. O. Seilhamer, Esq, The Bard Family (Chambersburg, PA: Kittochtinny Press, 1908), Pg 320.
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