Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

Calvin Greene and Amanda J. McVitty

Husband Calvin Greene 1

           Born: 19 Feb 1845 - Three Springs, Huntingdon Co, PA 1
           Died: Aft 1897

         Father: Kenzie L. Greene (Abt 1804-Aft 1897) 2
         Mother: Diana Hudson (      -1881) 1

       Marriage: 24 Dec 1869 3

Wife Amanda J. McVitty 3


         Father: Samuel McVitty (Abt 1815-1891) 3
         Mother: Esther McKinstry (      -1893) 3

1 F Mary Greene 3

           Born: 17 Jul 1883 3
           Died: 1 Aug 1883 3
         Spouse: Did Not Marry

2 M Edward McVitty Greene 3


3 F Nora May Greene 3


4 F Ida Gertrude Greene 3


5 F Esther McKinstry Greene 3


6 M Raymond Greene 3


General Notes: Husband - Calvin Greene

After acquiring a thorough knowledge of the elementary branches in the common schools of his native county, he entered the seminary at Shirleysburg, Pennsylvania, in which he was a student for three years. He then took a course at the Iron City Commercial College, Pittsburgh, and graduated in 1865. He afterwards taught in the Shirleysburg public schools for two terms. He ventured to marry at the age of twenty-four, and a little more than a year later entered as bookkeeper at the establishment of which he eventually became the head. He was employed in April, 1871, by Leas & McVitty (the latter his father-in-law), in the Saltillo tannery, at Saltillo, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. Here he acquired a knowledge of the tanning business, and in 1873, became manager of the business, into which he was admitted as a partner. The firm was styled Leas, McVitty & Sons, including, besides the original partners, Hon. William B. Leas and Samuel McVitty, with their sons, David P. Leas and Thomas E. McVitty, of Philadelphia. This partnership was maintained for twenty years, except for the decease of W. B. Leas, whose interest ceased in 1884. In April, 1893, Calvin Greene bought the entire concern, real estate and stock, and organized the firm of Calvin Greene & Son, Edward M. Greene, the eldest son, being the junior partner. Mr. Greene had, in 1887, become a partner in the North American Tannery, at Lewistown, Pennsylvania, in which he retained an interest, and had general supervision of the business, not residing at Lewistown, but visiting the establishment every two weeks. The firm there was styled Leas, McVitty & Greene. It was dissolved in 1893 by mutual consent. The same firm conducted a tannery which they had built at Salem, Roanoke County, Virginia, from 1890 to 1893; in the latter year Mr. Greene sold out his entire interest in that concern. They had a charter from the State of Virginia, under the denomination of the Salem Tanning Company, capital stock, $250,000. Mr. Greene was one of the directors. By purchase in 1895, he became owner of the North American tannery, at Lewistown, buildings, machinery, stock, etc. The buildings were of brick, and substantially constructed; the stock included hides, leather, bark, etc. He tanned exclusively heavy sole leather, with chestnut oak bark. The Saltillo tannery produced annually 782,000 pounds, and the North American 1,125,000 pounds. Mr. Greene resided in Saltillo, Huntingdon County, for twenty-four years. In October, 1895, he removed to Lewistown. He was one of the organizers of the Union National Bank at Huntingdon, in 1894, and served as a director of the same for a year and a half before his removal to Lewistown. He was a member of Cromwell Lodge, No. 572, F. and A. M., and one of its trustees; also a member of Council No. 934, Royal Arcanum, at Lewistown. He was a Republican.
He was a member of the board of trustees of Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, and of the Pennsylvania Baptist State Mission Society.



1 Editor, Commemorative Biographical Encyclopedia of the Juniata Valley (Chambersburg, PA: J. M. Runk & Co., 1897), Pg 429.

2 Editor, Commemorative Biographical Encyclopedia of the Juniata Valley (Chambersburg, PA: J. M. Runk & Co., 1897), Pg 8, 429.

3 Editor, Commemorative Biographical Encyclopedia of the Juniata Valley (Chambersburg, PA: J. M. Runk & Co., 1897), Pg 430.

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