Joseph Graham and Sarah Anna "Annie" Lusher
Husband Joseph Graham
Born: 25 Sep 1854-1855 - Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA Christened: Died: 13 Dec 1923 - Titusville, Crawford Co, PA Buried: - Riverside Cemetery, East Hickory, Forest Co, PA
Father: James Graham (1821-1902) Mother: Mary Jane Douglas (1827-1893)
Marriage: 4 Dec 1877 - Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA
Other Spouse: Camile Doubet (1869-1953) - 7 Jul 1919
• Burial: : Riverside Cemetery, East Hickory, Forest Co, PA.
Wife Sarah Anna "Annie" Lusher
Born: 6 Jun 1854-1855 - Clearfield Co, PA Christened: Died: 16 May 1918 - Oil City, Venango Co, PA Buried: - Riverside Cemetery, East Hickory, Forest Co, PA
Father: Jonathan Philip Lusher (1828-1898) Mother: Sarah A. Smith (1836-1913) 1
• Burial: : Riverside Cemetery, East Hickory, Forest Co, PA.
1 M Harvey W. Graham
Born: 5 Jun 1874 Christened: Died: 5 Sep 1884 Buried: - Riverside Cemetery, East Hickory, Forest Co, PASpouse: Did Not Marry
2 F Ella M. Graham
Born: 31 Oct 1878 Christened: Died: 7 Sep 1884 Buried: - Riverside Cemetery, East Hickory, Forest Co, PASpouse: Did Not Marry
3 F Elva Graham
Born: 1882 Christened: Died: 1884 Buried: - Riverside Cemetery, East Hickory, Forest Co, PASpouse: Did Not Marry
4 M Charles E. Graham
Born: Christened: Died: 15 Feb 1956 - Meadville, Crawford Co, PA Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Joseph Graham
The Forest Republican, Tionesta, PA
Sept 17, 1884; pg 3, col 2
-Mr. Joseph Graham, of near East Hickory, has been called upon to mourn the loss of two children with the past week, their disease being diphtheria.
The Oil City Derrick, Oil City, PA
Dec 14, 1923; pg 15, col 4
Titusville, Dec. 13.-Joseph Graham, aged 69 years, died at his home on East Spruce st., at 2:25 o'clock this morning.
The deceased was born in Rockland township, Venango county, September 25, 1854, and grew to manhood in that vicinity. While still a young man he was united in marriage with Miss Anne Lusher, who died May 16, 1918. One son, Charles E. Graham, of Meadville survives this union. On July 7, 1919 he was married to Mrs. Camille Myers of Oil City, who survive together with one step-daughter, Miss Mary Myers, of Buffalo.
Mr. Graham was a member of the Methodist church and had resided in Titusville for the past 20 years, being employed for some time at the Titusville Iron Works.
One sister, Mrs. Margaret Taylor of Renoldsville; three brothers, R. O. of Rocky Grove; W. E. of Eau Claire and J. A. Graham of Oil City, also survive.
Funeral services will be conducted at the home Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock and the body will be forwarded by train to East Hickory, where interment will be made Saturday morning.
The News-Herald, Franklin, PA
Dec 14, 1923; pg 15, col 4
Joseph Graham.
Joseph Graham, aged 69 years, died Thursday morning at his home in Titusville. Mr. Graham was born September 25, 1854 in Rockland township, this county. He grew to manhood there and was married to Miss Anne Lusher. She passed away May 16, 1918 and on July 7, 1919 he was united in marriage to Mrs. Camille Myers of this city. He had resided in Titusville for the past 20 years, where he was employed by the Titusville Iron Works. He was a member of the Titusville M. E. church.
Surviving are his widow, one son, Charles E. Graham, of Meadville, born to his first marriage; a step-daughter, Miss Mary Myers, of Buffalo and the following brothers and sisters: R. O. Graham, of Rocky Grove; W. E. Graham, of Eau Claire; J. A. Graham, of Oil City and Mrs. Margaret Taylor, of Reynoldsville.
Funeral services were held at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon at the family home and the body will be taken to East Hickory for burial Saturday morning.
Unknown newspaper, Tionesta, PA
date unknown
Joseph Graham of Titusville Dies.
Joseph Graham, aged 69 years, died at his home in Titusville, at 2:25 o'clock last Thursday morning. The deceased was born in Rockland township, Venango county, September 25, 1854, and grew to manhood in that vicinity. While still a young man he was united in marriage with Miss Anne Lusher of East Hickory, who died May 16, 1918. One son, Charles E. Graham of Meadville survives this union. On July 7, 1919 he was married to Mrs. Camille Myers of Oil City, who survive together with one step-daughter, Miss Mary Myers, of Buffalo. Mr. Graham was a member of the Methodist church and had resided in Titusville for the past 20 years being employed for some time at the Titusville Iron Works. One sister, Mrs. Margaret Taylor of Renoldsville; three brothers, R. O. of Rocky Grove; W. E. of Eau Claire and J. A. Graham of Oil City, also survive. Funeral services in his memory were conducted from the home Friday afternoon at 2:30 with Rev. J. Albert Galbraith, pastor of the First Methodist church, officiating, and the funeral party left on the 3 o'clock train for East Hickory where the interment was made Saturday morning.
The Forest Republican, Tionesta, PA
Dec 19, 1923; pg 2, col 3
Joseph Graham
Joseph Graham, aged 69 years, died at his home 110 East Spruce street, Titusville, at 2:25 o'clock Thursday morning, Dec. 13, 1923.
The deceased was born in Rockland township, Venango county, September 25, 1854, and grew to manhood in that vicinity. While still a young man he was united in marriage with Miss Anne Lusher, who died May 16, 1918. One son, Charles E. Graham, of Meadville, survives this union. On July 7, 1919 he was married to Mrs. Camille Myers of Oil City, who survives together with one step-daughter, Miss Mary Myers, of Buffalo.
Mr. Graham was a member of the Methodist church and had resided in Titusville for the past twenty years, being employed for some time at the Titusville Iron Works.
One sister, Mrs. Margaret Taylor of Renoldsville; three brothers, R. O. of Rocky Grove; W. E. of Eau Claire and J. A. Graham of Oil City, also survive.
Funeral services were conducted at the family home at 2:30 o'clock Friday afternoon, Rev. J. Albert Galbraith, pastor of the First M. E. Church, officiating. There was a large attendance of relatives and friends and numerous floral tributes. The body was taken to East Hickory Saturday morning, where interment was made in the East Hickory cemetery. Rev. C. E. McKinley of West Hickory conducted the burial service.
General Notes: Wife - Sarah Anna "Annie" Lusher
The Forest Republican, Tionesta, PA
May 22, 1918; pg 3, col 4
Mrs. Anna Graham, wife of Joseph Graham, of 110 Spruce street, Titusville, died at the home of her sister, Mrs. A. C. Shriver, 605 East Front street, Oil City, at 5:40 o'clock on Thursday morning. The deceased was born in Clearfield county, June 6, 1854, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lusher, deceased. For some years she lived in Rockland township, Venango county, where, 40 years ago she was married to Joseph Graham. They removed from there to West Hickory from whence they removed to Titusville about 13 years ago. Mrs. Graham had been ill with a complication of diseases for about 14 weeks, going to Oil City some weeks ago to visit her sister, Mrs. A. C. Shriver, when her illness became so critical that she could not return to her home. She leaves her husband Joseph Graham of Titusville; one son, Charles Graham, of Meadville, and the following sisters and brothers: Mrs. John Van Camp, Buffalo, N. Y.; Mrs. John W. Noble, Erie, Pa.; Mrs. Samuel Beckett, East Hickory, Pa.; Mrs. John McDonald, Beaver Valley, Pa.; Mrs. A. C. Shriver, Oil City; John Lusher, Chanute, Kan.; Albert Lusher, Akron, O.; Howard Lusher, Tionesta, Pa.; Harry Lusher, East Hickory, Pa. The deceased had been a life-long member of the Methodist church.
Funeral services were held at the home of her sister, Mrs. S. T. Beckett, East Hickory, at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Monroe of Oil City, assisted by Rev. J. E. Allgood of Tionesta. The floral offerings were very profuse and beautiful.
The family wish to thank the friends and neighbors for their kindness in this sad bereavement.
The Oil City Derrick, Oil City, PA
May 17, 1918; pg 9, col 2
Mrs. Joseph Graham.
Mrs. Joseph Graham, aged 63 years, a resident of East Spruce street, Titusville, died at the home of her sister, Mrs. A. C. Shriver, 605 East Front street, this city, at 5:40 o'clock Thursday morning after an illness of several weeks from a complication of diseases. Mrs. Graham had come to this city for a short visit with her sister when her illness became so critical that it was impossible to remove her to her home in Titusville.
Mrs. Graham had been a resident of Titusville for a number of years and enjoyed a very wide circle of acquaintances. She was a life-long member of the Methodist church.
She is survived by her husband and one son, Charles Graham, of Meadville. Also four brothers and five sisters, John Lusher, of Kansas City; August Lusher, of Akron, O.; Howard Lusher, of Tionesta, and Harry Lusher, of East Hickory; Mrs. John Van Camp, Buffalo; Mrs. S. T. Becket, East Hickory; Mrs. John McDonald, Beaver Valley; Mrs. John Noble, Erie, and Mrs. Shriver, of this city.
A prayer service will be held at the Shriver home at 2 o'clock this afternoon, at the conclusion of which the funeral party will go in automobiles to East Hickory, where the interment will be made.
Unknown newspaper, Tionesta, PA
date unknown
Mrs. Anna Graham, wife of Joseph Graham, of 110 Spruce street, Titusville, died at the home of her sister, Mrs. A. C. Shriver, 605 East Front street, in Oil City, at 5:40 o'clock on last Thursday morning. The deceased was born in Clearfield county, June 6, 1854, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lusher, deceased. For some years the deceased lived in Rockland township, Venango county, where, 40 years ago she was married to Joseph Graham. They removed from there to West Hickory from whence they removed to Titusville about 13 years ago. Mrs. Graham had been ill with a complication of diseases for about 14 weeks, coming to Oil City seven weeks ago to be cared for by her sister, Mrs. Shriver. She leaves her husband Joseph Graham, of Titusville; one son, Charles Graham, of Meadville, and the following sisters and brothers: Mrs. John Van Camp, Buffalo, N. Y.; Mrs. John B. Noble, Erie, Pa.; Mrs. Samuel Beckett, East Hickory, Pa.; Mrs. John McDonald, Beaver Valley, Pa.; Mrs. A. C. Shriver, Oil City; John Lusher, Chanute, Kan.; Albert Lusher, Akron, O.; Howard Lusher, Tionesta, Pa.; Harry Lusher, East Hickory, Pa. A prayer service was held at the Shriver residence at 2 p. m. Friday and the body was taken by train to Est Hickory, where services were held at 2 p. m. Saturday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Samuel Beckett. The interment was in the East Hickory cemetery. The deceased was a lifelong member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to the many friends and neighbors who so kindly offered their assistance in our sad bereavement, the loss of our sister. We wish to thank the ministers and the singers and friends for the beautiful flowers. Also the ones that offered the services of their automobiles.
Mrs. S. T. Beckett,
[remainder is missing]
Notes: Marriage
The Venango Spectator, Franklin, PA
Dec 27, 1877; pg 3, col 4
GRAHAM-LUSHER.-December 4, 1877, at the residence of the bride's father, by O. P. Morrow, J.P., Joseph Graham and Annie Lusher, both of Rockland township, Pa.
Editor, Commemorative Biographical Record of Central Pennsylvania, Including the Counties of Centre, Clearfield, Jefferson and Clarion. (Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co., 1898), Pg 886.
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