William Gifford
Husband William Gifford 1
Born: Christened: Died: 9 Apr 1687 - ? Sandwich, Barnstable Co, MA 2 Buried:
Father: Walter Gifford ( - ) 1 Mother:
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
1 M John Gifford 2
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
2 M Hannaniah Gifford 2
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
3 M William Gifford 2
Born: Christened: Died: 1738 2 Buried:Spouse: Unknown ( - )Spouse: Lydia Hatch (1711- ) 2
4 M Christopher Gifford 2
Born: 1658 2 Christened: Died: 22 Nov 1748 2 Buried:Spouse: Deborah Perry ( - ) 2
5 M Robert Gifford 2
Born: 1660 2 Christened: Died: 1730 2 Buried:Spouse: Sarah Briggs ( - ) 2
6 F Patience Gifford 2
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Richard Kirby ( - ) 2
7 F Mary Gifford 2
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
8 M Jonathan Gifford 2
Born: 4 May 1684 2 Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Lydia [Unk] ( - ) 2
9 M James Gifford 2
Born: 10 Mar 1686 2 Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Deborah Lewis ( - ) 2 Marr: 30 Mar 1710 2
General Notes: Husband - William Gifford
He was, according to Huntington's History of Stamford, Connecticut, before the court of that settlement in 1647. The sentence of the court against him was, that he be whipped at the court's discretion and banished. The supposition is that this William Gifford is the same William Gifford we find in Sandwich, Massachusetts, and a member of the grand inquest at Plymouth in 1650. He continued to reside in Sandwich until his death, with the exception of five years, between 1665 and 1670, when he, with George Allen and the sons of Peter Gaunt, all of Sandwich, together with others, were the first proprietors and settlers of Monmouth, New Jersey, having purchased the land from the Indians; and to them the Monmouth patent was granted, April 8, 1665. They were adherents of the Quaker faith, both in Massachusetts and New Jersey. William Gifford owned land in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut. His Massachusetts possessions consisted of lands in Sandwich, Falmouth and Dartmouth. The facsimile of the deed exists, of a forty-acre parcel, purchased of a Suckanessett (Falmouth) Indian named, Job Attukkoo, July 24, 1673. He gave by will to his sons, Jonathan and James, lands in Falmouth, Massachusetts. He also deeded to his sons, Robert and Christopher, lands in Dartmouth, Massachusetts, both of whom erected homesteads on their estates. Robert continued to live in Dartmouth, while Christopher moved later to Little Compton, Rhode Island. William probably deeded his Connecticut lands to his son, John, who gave by will one hundred acres in the colony of Connecticut, to his son, Samuel, and two hundred acres to his grandsons.
1 John W. Jordan, LL.D., Genealogical and Personal History of the Allegheny Valley, Pennsylvania (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1913), Pg 87.
John W. Jordan, LL.D., Genealogical and Personal History of the Allegheny Valley, Pennsylvania (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1913), Pg 88.
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