Lebbeus Biglow Gans and Emily S. Goe
Husband Lebbeus Biglow Gans 1
Born: 31 Mar 1825 - Springhill Twp, Fayette Co, PA 1 Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: William Gans ( - ) 1 Mother: Magdalene Custer ( - ) 1
Marriage: 15 Oct 1868 2
Other Spouse: Elizabeth J. Ramsay ( -1857) 2 - 6 Jan 1848 2
Wife Emily S. Goe 2
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Henry B. Goe ( - ) 2 Mother:
General Notes: Husband - Lebbeus Biglow Gans
He received a common-school education, and was a farmer by profession. In addition to the homestead, which was considered the standard in making real estate assessments in the township, he owned one hundred and thirty-four acres immediately adjoining it on the east, making in all three hundred acres, which was the best farm in southern Fayette County. The farm was well improved and in an excellent state of cultivation. This farm was noted for its extensive maple-sugar orchard, containing about two thousand trees, which yielded an average annual income of eight hundred dollars. In later years Mr. Gans gave less attention to agriculture, but was engaged in grazing stock. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church.
Notes: Marriage
They were the parents of three sons and one daughter.
1 Franklin Ellis, History of Fayette County, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: L. H. Everts & Co., 1882), Pg 773.
Franklin Ellis, History of Fayette County, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: L. H. Everts & Co., 1882), Pg 774.
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