Daniel Perrine, Esq. and Elizabeth Frost
Husband Daniel Perrine, Esq. 1 2
Born: 23 Jun 1834 - Worth Twp, Mercer Co, PA 1 2 Christened: Died: 28 Mar 1902 2 Buried: - Oak Hill Cemetery, Sandy Lake, Mercer Co, PA
Father: John Perrine, Esq. (1809-1875) 1 3 4 Mother: Margaret Fowler (1811-1882) 1 4
Marriage: 25 Mar 1858 1
Wife Elizabeth Frost 5
Born: 22 Oct 1836 - Nottingham, England 5 Christened: Died: 8 Aug 1914 - ? Mercer Co, PA 6 Buried: - Oak Hill Cemetery, Sandy Lake, Mercer Co, PA
Father: William Frost ( - ) 5 Mother: Anna [Unk] ( -1838) 5
1 F Harriet Jane "Hattie" Perrine 6 7
Born: 23 Jan 1859 - Sandy Lake Twp, Mercer Co, PA 6 Christened: Died: 14 Apr 1928 - Tulsa, Tulsa Co, OK 8 Buried: - Tulsa, Tulsa Co, OKSpouse: H. C. Zeigler (1847-1932) 7 Marr: 25 Sep 1876 6
2 F Lottie Hannah Perrine 5 8
Born: 8 Feb 1861 - Sandy Lake Twp, Mercer Co, PA 8 Christened: Died: 1 Feb 1949 - West Haven, New Haven Co, CT 8 Buried: - West Haven, New Haven Co, CTSpouse: Winfield Scott Watson ( -1924) 5 8 Marr: 5 Jan 1881 8
3 F Anna Elizabeth Perrine 5 9
Born: 8 Sep 1866 9 Christened: Died: 22 Jul 1945 9 Buried: - Oak Hill Cemetery, Sandy Lake, Mercer Co, PASpouse: William A. Boyd (1865-1951) 9 Marr: 4 Sep 1889 9
4 F Margaret Evelyn Perrine 5 9
Born: 2 Jul 1870 - Sandy Lake Twp, Mercer Co, PA 9 Christened: Died: 7 Aug 1924 - Mercer, Mercer Co, PA 9 Buried: - Oak Hill Cemetery, Sandy Lake, Mercer Co, PASpouse: William G. Barker (1865-1963) 9 Marr: 12 Sep 1891 9
5 M Charles William Perrine 5 9
Born: 5 Nov 1874 - Sandy Lake Twp, Mercer Co, PA 9 Christened: Died: 9 May 1946 9 Buried: - Oak Hill Cemetery, Sandy Lake, Mercer Co, PASpouse: Hester Glenn (1876-1948) 9 Marr: 13 Mar 1900 9
General Notes: Husband - Daniel Perrine, Esq.
He was educated in the common schools of his boyhood days. The first money he got for himself was from the hoeing of a patch of potatoes for 25 cents. He next obtained some money by splitting rails at a shilling per 100 rails. He chopped the timber off of at least 100 acres of land, at from $5 to $6 per acre. At the age of twenty-two he bought 120 acres in the woods, and made a payment of $100, which he had saved from his small earnings. He sold this farm in six years to Dr. A. G. Egbert for $4,000. He then bought land in Worth Township, and soon disposed of it. He located at his home farm in 1864, and had 100 acres. He had 100 acres in another part of the township, all of which is the result of his own efforts.
He was justice of the peace and held other offices of trust. He was for twenty years a director of the Stoneboro Fair. He was for eight years the treasurer of the Economical Mutual Benefit Association of Sandy Lake. He was one of the committee and treasurer in the construction of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Sandy Lake, which cost about $8,000. He and his wife were members of that organization, and he was one of the leading Republicans of Eastern Mercer County. He was identified with nearly all the business interests of Sandy Lake, and was one of the foremost men in the section. [HMC 1888, 1062]
General Notes: Wife - Elizabeth Frost
She was born in 1835. [PFH, 12]
1 Editor, History of Mercer County, Pennsylvania. Its Past and Present (Chicago, IL: Brown, Runk & Co., Publishers, 1888), Pg 1062.
2 Unknown, Family History of John and Margaret Fowler Perrine (Sharon, PA: Whitehead-Eagle Corp., 1981), Pg 6.
3 —, History of Mercer County, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: L. H. Everts & Co., 1877), Pg 77.
4 Unknown, Family History of John and Margaret Fowler Perrine (Sharon, PA: Whitehead-Eagle Corp., 1981), Pg 5.
5 Editor, History of Mercer County, Pennsylvania. Its Past and Present (Chicago, IL: Brown, Runk & Co., Publishers, 1888), Pg 1063.
6 Unknown, Family History of John and Margaret Fowler Perrine (Sharon, PA: Whitehead-Eagle Corp., 1981), Pg 12.
7 Editor, History of Mercer County, Pennsylvania. Its Past and Present (Chicago, IL: Brown, Runk & Co., Publishers, 1888), Pg 1063, 1070.
8 Unknown, Family History of John and Margaret Fowler Perrine (Sharon, PA: Whitehead-Eagle Corp., 1981), Pg 13.
Unknown, Family History of John and Margaret Fowler Perrine (Sharon, PA: Whitehead-Eagle Corp., 1981), Pg 15.
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