Hamilton Alricks and Caroline Jacobs Bull
Husband Hamilton Alricks 1 2 3
Born: 1 Jun 1806 - Oakland Mills, Lost Creek Valley, Mifflin Co, PA 2 4 Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: James Alricks (1769-1833) 5 6 7 Mother: Martha Hamilton (1776-1830) 5 8 9 10
Marriage: 28 Dec 1837 11 12 13
Wife Caroline Jacobs Bull 11 12 13
Born: 3 Aug 1811 11 12 Christened: Died: 28 Feb 1885 - Harrisburg, Dauphin Co, PA 12 Buried:
Father: Rev. Dr. Levi Bull, D.D. (1780-1859) 11 13 14 Mother: Ann Jacobs (1789-1858) 14
1 F Annie Bull Alricks 13 15
Born: 1838 15 Christened: Died: 26 Apr 1888 15 Buried:Spouse: Benjamin Law Forster (1834- ) 11 15 Marr: 8 Jun 1864 13 15
2 F Martha Alricks 13
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
3 F Caroline Jacobs Alricks 13
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
4 M Levi Bull Alricks 11 13
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Anna Henderson ( - ) 13 Marr: 1 Oct 1873 13
5 F Eliza Jane Alricks 13
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Hamilton Alricks
He was educated at the Harrisburg Academy at such a period as those who passed through it, from 1816 until 1826, know that the whole land was stricken with poverty, and collegiate education out of the question. Indeed, out of the thirty students of the classics at the academy, and among them the son of Governor Findlay, but one is remembered, who went, or could afford to go, to college. With such an education as the school could afford, and the study of history on top of it, Hamilton Alricks commenced reading law with Samuel Douglas, Esq., afterward attorney-general, and was admitted to practice in 1828. From the outset he exhibited more than ordinary ability, connected with indomitable energy and perseverance.
He has labored steadily at his profession for fifty years; rising usually at five in the morning, but at the same time taking such outdoor exercise as to secure sound, vigorous health, and is at this day able to endure as much mental and physical labor as most men younger in years, and withal, finding in the midst of professional engagements as much time and leisure to devote to strangers, and the hospitalities and civilities of life, as any other man in the community. During his professional career he has been engaged at every term of the court, in the trial of many of the most important civil and criminal cases, and in numerous cases in the Supreme Court, as the reports will show from 2d Watts to the last volume of Outerbridge. In the outset of his practice he was engaged as counsel by Mr. Gest, in the case of Gest vs. Espy, 2d Watts 266, after Thomas Elder, Esq., a senior member of the bar, had abandoned the case, upon a verdict being found for defendant. Mr. Alricks removed the case to the Supreme Court, where he succeeded in reversing the judgment. On one occasion, in arguing a case in the Supreme Court, and while reading an authority, he was abruptly interrupted by Judge Houston, saying, "That is not the law." "But," said Mr. Alricks, "I am citing from the opinions of the court." Judge Houston sharply responded, "I don't care; for no judge ever declared such to be the law." To which Mr. Alricks further replied, "I have been reading the opinion of the court, delivered by your honor." "Then," said the judge, "the reporter took me down wrong; let me see the book." After examining it for some time, the judge closed it with the remark, "After all, I don't think this authority has any application to the case in hearing."
Proceedings were commenced before the Legislature of Pennsylvania about the year 1845, and testimony taken for the purpose of framing articles of impeachment against the Hon. William N. Irvine, judge of the York and Adams judicial district, and the only counsel of the respondent was Mr. Alricks, who conducted the defense with such skill and ability that the committee refused to report articles.
The then State treasurer and auditor-general on several occasions selected Mr. Alricks to argue cases on the part of the commonwealth involving questions of constitutional law. His argument before the Supreme Court of the United States in Butler et al., late Canal Commissioners of Pennsylvania, vs. the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 10th Howard United States Supreme Court Reports, 402, was not only well received by the profession as a sound exposition of the law, as to what constitutes a contract within the meaning of the Tenth Section of the First Article of the Constitution of the United States, prohibiting a State from passing any law impairing the obligation of contracts; but also as an able definition of the power of the Legislature to create and abolish offices, to impose taxes, etc., and will remain a lasting memorial of his research, industry, and ability as a lawyer. In his long course of practice, and it has been an extensive one, it is not known that he ever had any rude or personal controversy with any member of the bar. He began the world without a dollar, and by his talents, integrity, and industry has risen to the front rank in his profession and acquired an ample competency, at no time condescending "to stoop" to politicians or any other class of men in order to obtain office or professional business.
He has not entered the arena of politics, that maelstrom which has shipwrecked so many able men, but it has been his fortune, for his good professional reputation and success, and for his private gain, that he has lived in a district in which for fifty years he has acted politically with the minority. He was one year a member of the Legislature; was a member of the Chicago Convention in 1864, which nominated Gen. McClellan for President, and the series of resolutions drawn up and offered in the convention by him abounded in patriotic sentiments, evincing a rare and marked ability. He was a member of the Constitutional Convention for the revision of the constitution of the State, in 1872-73, that held its sessions first in Harrisburg and subsequently in Philadelphia, and acted on the committees on Cities and City Charters, and on Religious and Charitable Corporations and Societies. He has also been a director of cemetery, school, hospital, and bank in Harrisburg. [HDC 1883, 558]
1 William Henry Egle, History of the County of Dauphin in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: Everts & Peck, 1883), Pg 462, 558.
2 Editor, Commemorative Biographical Encyclopedia of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania (Chambersburg, PA: J. M. Runk & Company, Publishers, 1896), Pg 426.
3 John E. Alexander, A Record of the Descendants of John Alexander (Philadelphia, PA: Alfred Martien, 1878), Pg 31, 32.
4 William Henry Egle, History of the County of Dauphin in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: Everts & Peck, 1883), Pg 558.
5 William Henry Egle, History of the County of Dauphin in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: Everts & Peck, 1883), Pg 461.
6 Editor, Commemorative Biographical Encyclopedia of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania (Chambersburg, PA: J. M. Runk & Company, Publishers, 1896), Pg 196.
7 John E. Alexander, A Record of the Descendants of John Alexander (Philadelphia, PA: Alfred Martien, 1878), Pg 30.
8 Editor, Commemorative Biographical Encyclopedia of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania (Chambersburg, PA: J. M. Runk & Company, Publishers, 1896), Pg 199.
9 Editor, Commemorative Biographical Record of Central Pennsylvania, Including the Counties of Centre, Clearfield, Jefferson and Clarion. (Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co., 1898), Pg 181.
10 John E. Alexander, A Record of the Descendants of John Alexander (Philadelphia, PA: Alfred Martien, 1878), Pg 27.
11 William Henry Egle, History of the County of Dauphin in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: Everts & Peck, 1883), Pg 559.
12 Editor, Commemorative Biographical Encyclopedia of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania (Chambersburg, PA: J. M. Runk & Company, Publishers, 1896), Pg 427.
13 John E. Alexander, A Record of the Descendants of John Alexander (Philadelphia, PA: Alfred Martien, 1878), Pg 32.
14 J. Smith Futhey & Gilbert Cope, History of Chester County, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: Louis H. Everts, 1881), Pg 491.
William Henry Egle, M.D., M.A., Pennsylvania Genealogies; Chiefly Scotch-Irish and German (Harrisburg, PA: Harrisburg Publishing Co., 1896), Pg 254.
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