Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

Francis Joseph Forquer

Husband Francis Joseph Forquer 1

           Born: 4 Oct 1861 - Venango Twp, Butler Co, PA 1

         Father: Hugh Forquer (      -Abt 1900) 2 3
         Mother: Catherine Murrin (      -Abt 1900) 3




General Notes: Husband - Francis Joseph Forquer

He attended the public schools of Venango Township, Butler County, Pennsylvania, until 1871 when the family moved to Loretto, Cambria County, where he resided and went to school until 1874. He then returned to Butler County and worked upon the farm of his uncle for a couple of years. He then went to Millerstown and worked for a cousin, driving team and farming. Mil-lerstown at this time was having her big boom as oil country. In 1877 he went to Pittsburg and went to work in The Adams Glass Factory to learn the trade and in 1878 was taken down with typhoid fever and had to give up and return home. He clerked at saw mills in Venango Town-ship for a time and then entered the Clintonville Academy where he attended school for about a year. The gold fever was at its height in Colorado about this time and Mr. Forquer caught it and went West to Colorado where after a time spent in prospecting he was again a victim of sick-ness and had to remove to a lower alti-tude. He returned to Kansas City, Missouri, where he secured a position with the Corrigan Street Car Company as chief en-gineer of a team of mules and a street car. He was appointed deputy county marshal by Con. Murphy, who was marshal of Jackson County, MO. After serving in this capacity until Mr. Murphy went out of office he secured a position on the famous Kansas City Fire Department where he served for five years, resigning to engage in the real estate business which at that time was booming in the city.
Mr. Forquer was prominently identified with Democratic politics in city, county and state, he being one of the six state delegates from Missouri that founded the National Association of Democratic Clubs in Baltimore in 1888. Mr. Forquer was on the Resolutions Committee of that con-vention.
Later Mr. Forquer went to Montana where he engaged in mining and real estate; he was also interested in real estate in Salt Lake, Washington, Oregon, and California. He later returned to Kansas City and engaged in the cigar business for a time; then railroad ticket brokerage; then grain, stocks and bonds, and later came home to Venango Township where he was in time to enlist in Company F, 16th Regiment, N. G. P., for the Spanish-American war which he served through as a private with honor and distinction. After the war he returned to Venango Township, where his father and mother were residing with a maiden aunt on the old Murrin home-stead. Mr. Forquer's father and mother both died within two months of his return from the war. He thereafter was super-intendent for the St. Patrick Oil & Gas Company, a Pittsburg corporation, which op-erated a portion of the farm he resided on. Mr. Forquer was a Democrat, a Roman Catholic and a Moose. [HBC 1909, 1222]



1 James A. McKee, 20th Century History of Butler and Butler County, Pa., and Representative Citizens (Chicago, IL: Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., 1909), Pg 1222.

2 James A. McKee, 20th Century History of Butler and Butler County, Pa., and Representative Citizens (Chicago, IL: Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., 1909), Pg 1222, 1252.

3 George P. Donehoo, Pennsylvania - A History (NW) (New York, NY; Chicago, IL: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, Inc., 1926), Pg 64.

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