Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

John C. Wiles and Winnie Foringer

Husband John C. Wiles 1 2

           Born: 28 Feb 1866 - Petrolia, Fairview Twp, Butler Co, PA 1

         Father: [Father] Wiles (      -Abt 1875)

       Marriage: 18 Jan 1891 1

Wife Winnie Foringer 2

           Born: 28 Feb 1866 - Armstrong Co, PA

         Father: Joseph Foringer (      -Bef 1914) 2
         Mother: Hannah Barnhart (      -Bef 1914) 2

1 F June Wiles 1

           Born: 5 Jun 1894 1

2 F Winnifred Wiles 1

           Born: 28 Feb 1903 1

General Notes: Husband - John C. Wiles

His parents died when he was nine years old, and he was ten years old when he went to Armstrong County, PA, and lived there on a farm until 1892, when he moved to Chi­cora and went into the livery business with a Mr. Titley, who, at that time owned sev­eral famous race horses, Star Pointer be­ing among them. The new firm started their livery business in the barn now known as Vencle & Son, and conducted it together for six years, when Mr. Wiles bought his partner's interest and carried on the business by himself for the next five years, selling out at that time to Ven­cle & Rumbaugh. For one year he en­gaged in buying and selling horses, ship­ping them all over the country. In 1903 he purchased a stables, known as the old Dolan barn, one of the first livery barns started there. The former pro­prietor was a W. E. Titley, but not the same Titley with whom Mr. Wiles had pre­viously been in partnership. In taking charge of this barn, Mr. Wiles was pre­pared to make many improvements and he made of it a first-class establish­ment. For many years he held the office of foreman of the Independent Hose Company and he had the reputation of being the best man to handle a fire in a place of the size of Chi­cora, in the State, having proven his ca­pacity on several occasions. In politics he was a Republican, served five times as judge of elections and was one of the councilmen.
He was identified with a number of fraternal organizations. He was worship­ful master of the Masonic Lodge at Chi­cora, and belonged to the Chapter at But­ler; he passed all the chairs in the orders of Knights of Pythias and the Maccabees and attended the meetings of the Grand Lodge of these bodies; and was also an Elk and an Odd Fellow.



1 James A. McKee, 20th Century History of Butler and Butler County, Pa., and Representative Citizens (Chicago, IL: Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., 1909), Pg 837.

2 Editor, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, Her People Past and Present (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1914), Pg 657.

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