John Foote and Lois Mills
Husband John Foote 1
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Lois Mills 1
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
1 M John Stiles Foote 1
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Margaret Todd ( - ) 1
General Notes: Husband - John Foote
Canton, Capitol Co, CT
He was a direct descendant of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Denning) Foote, of England. Nathaniel Foote came to America in 1630, and was one of the first settlers of Wethersfield, Connecticut, and one of the founders of the colonies of Connecticut and New Haven. At the time of the settlement and founding of Hartford and Windsor, Connecticut, Nathaniel Foote was granted a ten-acre lot on the east side of Broad street, near the south end of the street. He also became owner of a tract of land of 400 acres, lying mostly in the Great Meadows. In 1644 he was appointed delegate to the general court, and filled many offices of trust in the community. He died in 1644, aged fifty-one years, and was buried in the ancient burying-ground in the rear of the meeting-house, where are gathered together the ashes of eleven generations of the Foote family. Many of the descendants of Nathaniel Foote have held positions of honor and trust under the colonial, national and state governments, and have given expression of their patriotism not only in the struggle for national independence and personal liberty, but in the establishing of churches, schools and colleges, most notably being interested in the founding and support of Yale college, of New Haven, Connecticut, and Harvard college, of Cambridge, Massachusetts. They have been prominent as statesmen, officers and soldiers during Colonial, Revolutionary and Civil wars, and have won distinction not only in the preaching of the gospel of Christianity, but also in the practice of law and medicine, as well as in the field of letters.
Editor, Memoirs of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, Vol. II (Madison, WI: Northwestern Historical Assosciation, 1904), Pg 294.
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