William Boyd Murray and Margaret Parker Fleming
Husband William Boyd Murray 1 2
Born: 4 Sep 1808 - Carlisle, Cumberland Co, PA 1 2 Christened: Died: 7 Feb 1890 3 Buried: - Carlisle, Cumberland Co, PA
Father: George Murray (1762-1855) 1 4 5 6 Mother: Mary "Polly" [2] Denny (1778-1845) 4 5 6 7
Marriage: 9 Jan 1834 3
Wife Margaret Parker Fleming 2 3
Born: 27 May 1809 - Cumberland Co, PA 3 Christened: Died: 6 Apr 1886 8 Buried: - Carlisle, Cumberland Co, PA
Father: James Fleming ( - ) 3 9 10 Mother: Margaret Clark ( - ) 3 9
1 F Margaret Fleming Murray 2 8
Born: Christened: Died: Aft 1905 Buried:
2 M Harmar Denny Murray 2 8
Born: Christened: Died: Aft 1905 Buried:
3 F Mary Denny Murray 2 8
Born: Christened: Died: 26 Sep 1903 - Allegheny City, Allegheny Co, PA 8 Buried: - Carlisle, Cumberland Co, PA
4 F Mellazena Murray 8
AKA: Mellizena Murray 2 Born: Christened: Died: 16 Feb 1855 8 Buried: - Carlisle, Cumberland Co, PA
General Notes: Husband - William Boyd Murray
As a lad he was quiet, unobtrusive and self-contained. He received his education in the schools of his native borough. He was fond of study, was quick and apt to learn, and possessed a fine memory, which even down to old age remained true and vigorous, to a remarkable degree. It was a rule with his father that each one of his boys should be taught some branch of manual art, and that of carpenter was chosen for his son William. The requirements and the labor belonging to that particular branch of industry were too heavy for one of his slender frame and delicate constitution, and, at the end of the first year, he was released from his apprenticeship. He did not follow this trade to any extent, but turned his attention to the grocery business, which he carried on successfully for several years. It was about this time-1837-that the Cumberland Valley Railroad was opened, the tracks having been laid through the main street of Carlisle. Ambitious and enterprising, and quick to see the advantage of a move in this direction, Mr. Murray conceived the idea of embarking in the grain and forwarding business. With this object in view he and his brother-in-law, John Fleming, in December, 1838, purchased a property on the south side of West High street, west of and adjoining property of Dickinson College. On this lot they erected a two-story frame warehouse, entered into partnership, and in February, 1839, began business under the name of Murray & Fleming. On Aug. 12th of the same year a sad accident occurred on the Cumberland Valley railroad, which resulted in the death of Mr. Fleming.
After this, Mr. Murray continued the business in his own name. He was a prominent business man the community. Active and energetic, he built up and carried on successfully for years an extensive trade in grain, flour and other merchandise. In those days shippers owned and used their own freight cars. They found the market for their produce, etc., in the eastern cities. Pig iron brought from furnaces adjacent to Carlisle was one
of the articles shipped to the East. In busy seasons, when the rush of business was great, quantities of this metal might be seen stacked in huge piles on the street, awaiting shipment. Some years later, lumber was added to the stock in trade, and also anthracite coal.
In 1859 Mr. Murray retired from the active responsibilities of the grain and forwarding business. Later in life, he was engaged for a short time in importing a choice variety of seed wheat from Florence, Italy, for distribution among the farmers of Cumberland County.
Mr. Murray possessed strong military tastes, and in his younger years was actively interested in the old militia service of the State. For nine years he served as a commissioned officer in the militia of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. On April 27, 1832, he entered the service, receiving his commission from Gov. Wolf as second lieutenant of the Second Company, Second Battalion. On May 14, 1833, he was appointed by the same governor second lieutenant, and the next year first lieutenant, of the Carlisle Marion Rifle Company, attached to the First Battalion, Cumberland Volunteers. On May 1, 1837, he was appointed by Governor Ritner adjutant of the First Battalion, with the rank of major. He continued in the service, faithfully performing the duties of his position, until May 8, 1841, when he was "honorably discharged." He was also a member of the Union Fire Company of Carlisle. On Sept. 17, 1889, Mr. Murray, at the advanced age of eighty-one years, took part in the celebration of the centennial of this company.
Mr. Murray was an intelligent and a progressive man and kept abreast of the times. He was a thorough patriot, a dear lover of his country. In June, 1863, during the Civil war, although beyond the years for active service in the field, yet at a hasty call for a home guard to protect Carlisle from a threatened invasion, by night, of Confederate troops, Mr. Murray was one of those who responded to the call, shoul-dered his musket and marched out with the company. In religious belief, Mr. Murray was a stanch Presbyterian, as were his fore-fathers, strong in the faith, clear and abiding in his convictions. Early in life he united with the First Presbyterian Church of Carlisle, the church of which his parents were members, then under the pastorate of the Rev. George Duffield, D. D. In 1832, as the result of disputes on doctrinal points which created a division throughout the entire church, a portion of the congregation withdrew, and organized the Second Presbyterian Church of Carlisle. This new church was established Jan. 12, 1833, with a membership of sixty-five persons, Rev. Daniel McKinley being installed pastor
Aug. 7, 1833. Mr. Murray was one of the charter members, as was also his father, and he was one of the active spirits of the new organization. For a number of years he served on the board of trustees. He was always in his place in the sanctuary, unless prevented by illness, which was a rare occurrence. Throughout his entire life he was actively and thoroughly interested in everything pertaining to the welfare of his be-loved Zion. At the time of his death, he was the last survivor of the charter members.
In stature Mr. Murray was five feet eleven inches in height, broad-shouldered, erect in carriage, with a well-knit frame, slender in figure and person and with dark hair and blue eyes. He was a high-toned Christian man, of rare simplicity and purity of character. In disposition, reserved and reticent, dignified and courteous in manner, with a kindly, charitable spirit toward all-a gentleman of the old school. Domestic in his tastes and habits, he found his chief happiness with his family and at his own fireside. Strongly attached to those of his own blood-his kinsfolk, loyal and generous, he was always to the front when they needed aid or counsel.
General Notes: Wife - Margaret Parker Fleming
She was born in the old family home situated on the banks of the Conedoguinet creek, a few miles north of Carlisle, Pennsylvania.
She and her husband were both of Scotch-Irish ancestry and both were descendants of Richard Parker and Janet his wife.
She was a beautiful woman-features regular, clear complexion. with black hair and dark brown eves. A woman of superior cast of mind, intelligent, and, as one remarked of her, "her face indicated the nobility of her character,'' she was a thorough Christian, a devoted wife and mother.
1 Editor, Biographical Annals of Cumberland County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: The Genealogical Publishing Co., 1905), Pg 33.
2 William Henry Egle, M.D., M.A., Pennsylvania Genealogies; Chiefly Scotch-Irish and German (Harrisburg, PA: Harrisburg Publishing Co., 1896), Pg 591.
3 Editor, Biographical Annals of Cumberland County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: The Genealogical Publishing Co., 1905), Pg 37.
4 Editor, History of Cumberland County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Warners, Beers & Co., 1886), Pg 388.
5 William Henry Egle, M.D., M.A., Pennsylvania Genealogies; Chiefly Scotch-Irish and German (Harrisburg, PA: Harrisburg Publishing Co., 1896), Pg 581.
6 John W. Jordan, LL.D., Colonial and Revolutionary Families of Pennsylvania (New York, Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1911), Pg 877, 985.
7 Editor, Biographical Annals of Cumberland County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: The Genealogical Publishing Co., 1905), Pg 34.
8 Editor, Biographical Annals of Cumberland County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: The Genealogical Publishing Co., 1905), Pg 38.
9 William Henry Egle, M.D., M.A., Pennsylvania Genealogies; Chiefly Scotch-Irish and German (Harrisburg, PA: Harrisburg Publishing Co., 1896), Pg 583.
Blanche T. Hartman, Genealogy of the Nesbit, Ross, Porter, Taggart Families of Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh, PA: Privately printed, 1929), Pg 18.
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