Rev. John Kendrick Converse and Sarah Allen
Husband Rev. John Kendrick Converse 1 2
Born: 15 Jun 1801 - Lyme, Grafton Co, NH 1 Christened: Died: 3 Oct 1880 - Burlington, Chittenden Co, VT 3 Buried:
Father: Joel Converse (1750- ) 1 Mother: Elizabeth Bixby (1762-1850) 1
Marriage: 21 May 1834 - Burlington, Chittenden Co, VT 3
Wife Sarah Allen 2
Born: 13 Aug 1810 3 Christened: Died: 14 Apr 1873 - Burlington, Chittenden Co, VT 3 Buried:
Father: Hon. Heman Allen (1777-1844) 3 4 Mother: Sarah Prentis ( -1850) 3 4
1 M John Heman Converse 5
Born: 2 Dec 1840 - Burlington, Chittenden Co, VT 5 Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Elizabeth Perkins Thompson ( - ) 6 Marr: 9 Jul 1873 6
General Notes: Husband - Rev. John Kendrick Converse
He prepared for college under the tutorship of Rev. John Fitch at Thetford, Vermont, and entered Dartmouth College in the class of 1827, but necessity for self support compelled him to leave college in the winter of his second year, and he taught school for a short period in Acton, Massachusetts, and then accepted a position as principal of a school at Keene, New Hampshire. Later in the same year he went to Nottoway county, Virginia, to conduct a classical school there, meanwhile continuing his college studies, and spending the last year of his college course at Hampden-Sidney College, Prince Edward county, Virginia, where he graduated in 1827. Dartmouth College also subsequently conferred upon him the degree of A. B. He continued teaching in Nottoway county, Virginia, for one year after his graduation, then resigned and for two years assisted his brother Amasa in the editorial department of The Southern Relegious Telegraph and The Literary and Evangelical Magazine at Richmond. Virginia, in the meantime studying theology, which he continued at Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, New Jersey, from which he graduated in 1832.
On August 8, 1832, Rev. John Kendrick Converse was installed as pastor of the Congregational Church at Burlington, Vermont, known as White Street Congregational Church. He was pastor of this church for twelve years. In 1839 he had accepted a call to the Congregational Church at Providence, Rhode Island, but before his removal the Burlington church was destroyed by fire, and a sense of duty to his old parishioners, and the church he had so long served, compelled him to decline the call and remain in his old charge. Bronchial trouble compelled his retirement from the ministry in 1844 and he became principal of the Burlington Female Seminary, a position he filled for twenty-five years. During a portion of this period, however, he again took up ministerial work, filling the position of pastor of the church at Colchester from 1850 to 1855; of Winooski, 1855-61, and subsequently supplied the pulpit at West Milton several years. His residence in the south awakened his interest in the colored race, and he became one of the most active members of the American Colonization Society, and took a lively and zealous interest in the Republic of Liberia; was for many years secretary of Vermont Colonization Society and Agent of the American Society for Vermont, New Hampshire and Northern New York, speaking in that behalf in many pulpits and raising money for the carrying out of the projects of the Society.
He and his wife had seven children; John Heman was the fourth.
1 John W. Jordan, LL.D., Colonial and Revolutionary Families of Pennsylvania (New York, Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1911), Pg 1097.
2 Emma Siggins White, Genealogical Gleanings of Siggins and Other Pennsylvania Families (Kansas City, MO: Tiernan-Dart Printing Co., 1918), Pg 433.
3 John W. Jordan, LL.D., Colonial and Revolutionary Families of Pennsylvania (New York, Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1911), Pg 1098.
4 Emma Siggins White, Genealogical Gleanings of Siggins and Other Pennsylvania Families (Kansas City, MO: Tiernan-Dart Printing Co., 1918), Pg 432.
5 John W. Jordan, LL.D., Colonial and Revolutionary Families of Pennsylvania (New York, Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1911), Pg 1099.
John W. Jordan, LL.D., Colonial and Revolutionary Families of Pennsylvania (New York, Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1911), Pg 1101.
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